This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Learning Through Student Based Enterprises --> Implementation
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
I have learned that your classroom should mimic a business or workplace you are wanting. Make it fit the needs of your classroom and school-based enterprise. I can apply information from this module by holding students accountable just like the real workplace setting. By enforcing expectations such as good communication, professionalism and teamwork. Along with that, having evaluations with students and procedures for certain things can help make a school-based enterprise successful.
The information I learned in this module was helpful. The ethical dilemma idea of stagging a student 'stealing' from the store and seeing how your students report it and deal with the conflict is very interesting. I often feel in the high school setting that unethical actions are so normalized that it is an interesting way to 'test' the students. I also loved hearing the emphasis of how important soft skills are.
I like the idea of scoring the students on different aspects. We often do group work in class where the entire group gets a grade. This can be problematic if certain students are contributing more than others. I have started having students score each other. I don't use it as a grade but I do use it as a consideration of the overall grade for the group. I like the idea of giving a group grade along with an individual grade and a business grade. It would make the scoring process more accurate for each student.
I think I would have to start by including my administration in creating a SBE at our Tech Center. This biggest issue would be for us to not be in competition with our business partners that are on our Advisory Boards. That being said, this would be a great opportunity for our students to get a real world experience of business.
I have learned that the implementation should include the students. Implementation includes reviewing students' skills and ensuring the are ready to perform duties with the SBE.
We are currently working on implementing an Engineering SBE at our school where a Makers Space/Fab Lab will be established and the question becomes what we can do with it outside of the Engineering program itself? Teachers and students from core classes can use the lab as a means to incorporate concepts the Engineering students are learning about in their core subject areas such as implementing the use of 3d printers in a history class to print out artifacts from an era they are learning about and then presenting them as part of a project. Additionally, we've ideas to incorporate our Business program into the Engineering program where students can learn to design and print products that the Business students will market and pitch to local businesses to sell. That in turn allows us to open the lab up, after school hours, to the community where businesses and individuals who fulfill certain criteria (training and payment) can use the lab space for their purposes as well.