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Motivate by sharing personal wins!

Sharing my personal goals and how I attained them really motivates my students, sharing the pitfalls I encountered and how I overcame them helps the students to understand that resolve is one of the most important tools they will use in life.

Hi Faith,
Good point about letting students know that not everything has gone perfectly for us in our careers. The successes and losses all have to be made a part of the learning process so they will get a realistic picture of their future career progress.

I do agree that telling student about personal wins, and losses, will help them to understand that not everything goes as you would like it to. Also that not all situations are a win.

You are right Stacey, students enjoy hearing personal stories both success and failure. When I do my final evaluation in my student's clinical rotation , beside going over their evaluation , I also ask them what their goals are, tell them that life is a continuous learning process and embrace the wisdom and experiences of their mentors and instructors and emulate the positive experiences that they can apply in their own life. Lourdes

Sharing your personal experiences with your class is a great idea! In my classes I teach students how to successfully land a job in their chosen career field. I was a college student once also and I know what it is like to look for a job in a rough economy. I think the students enjoy hearing how people overcome obstacles and the success stories.

I think you're absolutely right about "keeping it brief" Sabrina. I often see it in teachers who are trying to be friends; that tendency to tell "buddies."

I can't tell you how bored the student faces get when teachers go on like that.

I too feel that it's essential to share, but within the limits that promote educational excellence!

Sharing my experiences and my approach to motivate students in the clinical setting experiencing negative situations such as staff rudeness, demanding patients by 1) Lettig the students understand the behaviour that leads to the negativity 2) take in the negative situation as a learning experience and turn them into positive learning experience.

Sharing with my students, my wins, have help me to relate to them a little better. But I learned to keep it brief and not all the time. Depending on the groups, some students are interested, other no
When I share my experiences with them I make sure what I try to be specific about what I did achived with that win.
Is so much that we can give them!
But I do agree that is important to share with them.

Hello Gary,

I also make a point of sharing my personal goals, set-backs, etc. I went back to college and then graduate school later in life--actually backwards from the traditional route of going to college directly out of high school as I obtained my real-world experience before I went to college. I think by sharing this with my students, I can show them that it is indeed "never to late" to try to achieve your goals. It takes determination, hard work, and never giving up. I worked full time while pursuing my education because it meant so very much to me. I attempt to motivate my students through this sharing and by always being there for them as well as providing encouragement whenever it is needed.

Renee Weeks

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