We focus on "First Day" to make the best impression possible. "First Day" is the first day of class for the term. This is our day as academic leaders to show our students who we are, what we care about, and how we are there to help them succeed. Both image and substance are key. The appearance of the facility, classroom, and instructor (image) and what and how we deliver the content (presentation, delivery, syllabus, lesson). Start on time, end on time, learn names, "hook" the learner -- let them leave the class eager to return!
Well said and a key point to remember when preparing for that first class meeting.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Because it is impossible to to make another one. A student may decide in the first meeting and impression whether or not they will stay in your class or take you seriously.
Well said and so important. This is what a first class meeting should be about.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
This is good information for students to have so they can see that they have in their instructor a person that has both knowledge and experience. This establishes you as the learning leader and as a result the students will be looking to you as you share with them.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Positive first impression is always so important. Being on time, speaking in a professional manner, wearing appropriate clothes, etc. It will set the tone for the remainder of the class.
I will after introducing myself give them my own personal story of how I got my start in the field. How if I was able to overcome they can as well.
So true and it is so much easier to build upon a positive impression rather than trying to correct a negative one.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Yes, it will. First class meetings are for me a fun time to get to know students and help them to get to know their classmates. We do introductions and ice breakers and share some laughs together. This gets everybody settled into the course and looking forward to future class sessions.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Making a positive first impression will establish your credibility, tone, and will set the pace of the course. It will result in much better dialogue with the class, and reduce anxiety during the semester, both from the student and you as the faculty.
Making a first impression is critical in letting the student know your place and role in their education. Letting them know about you and your experiences, give the student the confidence that they will learn from you and be successful
This is so important. So many of our students coming into classes do not have a clear idea as to how to function as members of their career area. They need to see that appropriate dress, language and conduct is essential to career growth and success. You are their role model as they develop their soft skills and get ready to step into the real world and hopefully be successful.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Well said about the first impression that a student gets when coming into a new course. It is important for instructors to set the stage for success and a positive first impression gets that effort underway.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
This is very important for many of the students I work with as they have had life situations that have put them in a place where they are trying to prove themselves and make a positive second impression. As the instructor by making a positive first impression you are providing them a role model that they can use to shape their own future in relation career success.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I think that our professionalism also helps motivate the student to become more professional. Many of my students come in without soft skills, and once they see how I behave and conduct myself this helps them become more polished.
A positive first impression makes the student feel they have made the right choice of taking a course. It also allows for the student to feel more comfortable in the learning environment. A positive first impression sets a great tone for the remainder of the course.
I believe a first good impression is always best whether in class or in business or in personal life. But sometimes it is important for students to be aware that a second impression maybe better than the first one, so that they earn how to give a second chance in life.
First impressions are very important, especially as an instructor on the first day of a new class. If you are prepared and professional chances are they will view you as a professional and respect you that much more. I think this shows them that you care and are there to help them.
Like your steps to help students to see the value of your course. I teach a required course that leads to their state certification so the majority of students are not excited about being in this course. They see it more as a requirement than a course that they might in fact learn something that will be helpful to them. So I have to follow your students so I can get them engaged and seeing the value of what I am teaching along with how the content will aid in their career development. We have fun in the course while making sure they see both relevance and application in the content.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.