index cards
I really like the idea of using the index cards on the first day and I will utilize that method. Also, I didn't think to pause and ask if there are any questions when going through the course syllabus so I will utilize that concept too.
They are cheap and simple to us. In fact they are at the bottom of the technology food chain and yet they yield tremendous results when used with students in different ways. I wish you the best in making them an essential part of your instructional planning.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I am new to all of this so I'm excited about the idea of using index cards in so many ways. I am going to start right away on the first day by having them make name cards. I like the idea of using them for questions they need to ask me. The possibilities are endless.
Hi Letitia,
This is a great method for instructors to use to get students involved in the course. By writing about themselves they have a sense of comfort what they are doing. The cards help them to target their comments and be brief and to the point.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
In the Business Principles class I teach I ask the students to list 10 tangible things that they value and 5 intangible things. I will have them use the index cards for this exercise and the addition exercises structured to find out more about themselves. Instead writing there answers on paper I think the index cards will have a greater impact.
Hi Letitia,
I am a big user of index cards myself so I will be anxious to hear how they work for you.
I like the idea of using idex cards. I have not used it before but I will on Monday with the Business class I am teaching. I have come up with a great idea how to use them effectively.
Hi Shahid,
I hear you. So important to keeping everything in order and remembering exactly what needs to be covered next.
Must have it at all times. Specially out in the clinical settings.
Hi Linda,
Thanks for sharing your experience with using 3X5 cards. I use them all the time for feedback, questioning and reviews. I have had excellent results in using them as well.
Hi, I found that using index cards can be a big help with spelling words & terminology. I stongly encourage my students to use index cards before testing.
Hi Mary,
You made me smile reading your post because I am the biggest user of index cards in my college. I use them for so many things in relation to getting input and feedback from students as well as the input you listed. They are easy to use, cheap and by being 3X5 they confine my students in terms of how much they write. They way they get to the point and I get the needed message.
Alot of my students use idex cards as study tools, I encourage them to do so.
Index cards are very useful. I encourage index cards as a study tool for quizzes, tests, the final and registry exams. In the laboratory classes subjects build on a base topic. Index cards allow a quick reference back to earlier subjects. Many online resources have already made index cards. This is a very useful tool.