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Creating effective assessments provides an avenue to accurately measure how well the students are learning the material being presented.  The knowledge gained from the test results may validate your teaching methods or may serve to refine them for subsequent classes.


Understanding the different types of test and what they are for, why they are used, will help me as an instructor present the best greading methods for the learners 


The use of the different Formats of Testing will show the teacher where the students are best validated from and where they do better in the learning process.

I will try to utilize strategies and some conscepts for assessment to help my students learn.


A dry but very important breakdown. The detail on the pros and cons of each style of testing are important. 


The section provided a large amount of information of the various types of testing that is available.  The information provided gave a lot of tips on why each type of testing is beneficial an in what circumstances.  


I appreciated the specific information on types of assessment questions and the pros/cons and things to consider for each.  I find that each type of question can be effective depending on what type of learning the instructor is trying to assess.

Choosing your assessment tool is important to reliably find what the student learn.  The section on creating test was interesting but I don't believe instructors should create their own tests.  There could be bias when making your own tests.


Effective assessments are critical in evaluating both student comperhensation and instructors presentation 



   In order to accuratley test for knowledge and compentency of your students you have to know what what it is you WANT to meassure of your students. This covered the different types of testing and ways to format them. When formating test questions you must be fair, accurate and ensure it accuratley reflects the material you covered. You can use standardized testing to save some time and effort on constructing test questions but you must closley follow textbook material. 

In this module I have learned about different tupes of tests and reasons for selecting various methods.

It was nice to see how each test can be administered and how they affect learning. 


With this module, I learned that you really have to know what it is that you want to measure when deciding what type of test and the questions for the test. I had never really looked at it that way. Also, learning objectives, which were discussed in our beginning lessons,  have to be considered when coming up with questions for your test. This is just not an easy task!

Use a variety of tests and use them appropriately and correctly. Giving a variety of tests will allow the student to express their learning in objective and more subjective ways. 

I learned that a mixture of question type works best for assessment of knowlge and or skills gained. I plan to use the method of haveing a mixture of test questions  to test knowlage. Also skills demo to assess hands on skills.

I need to pay attention to the type of questions that I am asking on a test and also how my students answer focused type questions. 

There are severl approaches to take when conducting and creating test


a better understanding on the different types of tests


Understanding the wide variety of subject and your students is essential for creating a test that can cover everything, also while monitoring student progress. 

I have a better understanding of the different types of evaluations and tips on when and how to effectively use them.

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