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A major benefit of the flipped classroom is getting the students actively engaging in their education via open discussion, hands-on practice with peers and educators, and beyond.  This provides for a more exciting and invigorating learning experience.  I've found that students learn better and take away more from my course because they feel more connected to the content when they are more involved in the learning process.

The flipped classroom while more work up front becomes easier and more effective over time

Review of Bloom's Taxonomy is always refreshing and useful. I will have to make a poster of it an put it into my classroom.

I believe that the orthodox way to teaching certainly benefitted by the instructors ability to control the time and pace where as Flipping the classroom will have some obvious hurdles to keep the lesson and students on track. However, anything that can improve a students ability to grasp more information and operate at a higher success rate is absoluetly worth while.


I will refer my students to the pre-recorded videos that are available before each in class lab objective.


See it, do it, teach it.  This will help my students understanding neurology rehab.


Flipping the classroom is an effective way of teaching material through facilitation rather than rote lecture.

See it-Do it- Teach it.   Allowing the students to learn on line gives them a chance to review topics until they are comfortable with the material, giving them more time in lab to apply it.

We as a faculty are already very close to a flipped classroom type due to covid. It is now up to me as an instructor to insure that all areas of the course that I am teaching is being covered and worked on. Flipped classroom and Blooms taxonomy will help to make the classes easier to teach in the long run. What that means is more time put in to the preparation of the class so that more class time can be used for the practical and discussion side. 

You should make the pre-recorded video engaging and not to long otherwise students will become uninterested in the material. Instructors should be comfortable with technology to implement this type of teaching strategy. 

I feel that with Flpped classroom, it's faster to reached the top or the highest of the Bloom's Taxonomy due to more hands-on student-centered environment.  

I learned that there is a myriad of benefits and advantages but the barriers can be frustrating if the instructors would not have the support of the institution or if there were no professional development and not given enough prep time. 

I think ensuring the students have a good understanding of Bloom's taxonomy, it will assist them in understanding how the ability to apply is essential to being able to tackle NCLEX quesitons..


There's pros and cons to every teaching and learning technique; the flipped classroom seems to be majorily good with little cons, if executed correctly. The flipped classroom is benefiial to the learning objectives in Bloom's Taxonomy.


I learned that proactive communication and timely professional development for instructors are two elements that will increase students' motivation with flipping the classroom.


As far as advantages students can access the information on line at anytime they choose.  The instructor can put up a variety of information for the students to learn using different mediums.  ne limitation might bre that the students are going to have to put enough time in to learn the material.  They will have to learn time management and put it into use.  

what an excellent course! Loved it


Lack of student motivation and students depending on others in the class/group to carry the load.


The flipped classroom offers a wealth of opportunities for student to discuss and practice what they have learned. Listening to someone speak for several hours can cause you to lose interest after a certain period of time. 


The impact of the flipped classroom with more hands-on, student-centered learning and more time for in-class “homework” assignments/projects/experiments, helps elevate student learning to higher learning levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

hearing seeing doing 

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