Cenforce 100mg is an oral medication that comes in tablet form and is easy to take. Take one dose of Cenforce 100mg as prescribed with normal water and avoid taking it with fruit juices or alcoholic drinks. Taking it with fruit drinks or alcoholic beverages may increase the risk of side effects such as dizziness and drowsiness. You can take Cenforce 100mg tablets once in 24 hours and also at a fixed time every day to prolong the effects. The tablets can be taken with or without food. But to achieve the desired results, it is best to take it after a light meal or on an empty stomach.
I like that throughout these lessons, it is emphasized that a flipped classroom does not have a one size fits all approach. I am a nursing instructor in an excelerated program and our recorded lectures are usually about 1.5 to 2.5 hours because we are covering up to 6 chapters and extensive content. The value though is, the students are able to watch the lectures in 10 minute bites or 1 section at a time, or however they want and have the option to go back as needed. I also like the idea of a Needs Analysis to assess what learning the instructor could benefit from. I have found that I am simply not aware of all the technology based options that are available that are great learning tools and even offer collaborative learning options.
I have learned about shifting into the role of facilitator.
This module really drilled home the importance of shifting from simply covering content to mastering it. I like this idea, and I need to explore further what it will look like in my courses.
For those of us who learned strictly in a lecture environment, a flipped classroom may sound ludicrous. However, instead of being the content expert who delivers the content in a F2F environment, technology allows us to flip the classroom so that student-centered learning is more effective. A flipped classroom is not always effective, and more research is being conducted on this. However, I have found that students are more receptive and engaged with the concepts when a flipped classroom is utilized. Students are more likely to come to class prepared.
Good to revisit this info again. Glad they gave the disclaimer that it can be done in sections not the complete course at once.