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I use an online assessment with my students to determine what type of learning style they learn best with. I have found that it can be an icebreaker for students.

Great strategy. This gives them insight into themselves right from the beginning of the class as well as gives you an idea of the different learner preferences you have among your students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I personally try to use multiple teaching styles to appeal to all of my students. I like variety when I learn and I figure my students would appreciate that as well. I don't really use an assessment to determine their learning style as I am a pretty good judge of my students and I like open feedback rather than an assessment to tell me about my students.

Students like variety and change of pace in instructional delivery. The more you can do this the more engaged they will be. Sounds like you have develop a clear plan on how to do this and achieve success.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I have found that using multiple styles helps the students retain the information better. That way I teach to each learning style.

This is a good strategy to follow as students once they are out in the workplace will be called upon to receive information in many different ways. The more skill they have at doing so the better prepared they will be to grow in their careers.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I often use practice tests, and video examples with discussions to find out styles.

I like your post. Being a new instructor I am still trying to learn the best learning tactics for the students. I need for them to be able to retain what they have learned in my class. I need them to understand that what they learn with me is something that they will see again when they start working in the health field.

I usually dedicate the first week or so to get a feel of the students leaning types. I take notes on each student with what I have observed. This really helps me when I assign groups for certain project.

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