As an instructor it is difficult to adapt to different people and the fact that they all learn differently.
I find it hard at times to adjust to students that don't learn when I switch to different approaches. When I put those students hands on it all clicks.
Im assuming this is the same as me with the students I have for 3 weeks and then they move on. I try to make the first test results a determining factor in how many different learners I have in. My lectures adapt to how many pass/fail scores I see.
Right you are. With such a short time you can only learn what you can and build off of that. I know your students will appreciate your effort even if they are only with you for three weeks.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
In our school, we only have students for 3 weeks. Learning the different needs of all students is difficult.
Some students can be harder to reach out to to understand the different ways that there is to teach
I agree as an instructor we need to be able to adapt to all learning styles of students. And be able to do it such a manner as to not be a detriment to the other students.
You make a good point about student responsibility for their learning. They are the ones that enrolled in college and are training for a career so they need to step to the plate and acquire the knowledge and skills needed for career success. Educators are there to provide not only instruction but also support so this can happen.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I don't believe it is as easy as adapting your instruction to different learning needs. I believe a student also has to take responsibility for their learning. After all, how are they expected to go out into their chosen field if they don't take responsibility for their actions? Yes, I believe we need to adjust to different learning styles, but not to the detriment of the entire class.
I am currently teaching five sections of the same course so I can appreciate your question about keeping your head on straight. It is tough as you know to remember what you said to what class. I make an outline for each class and as I am going through the points I check them off. If one class gets off on a discussion and I don't cover all of the points I am able to see that through my outline check off and I make sure to go back and hit that point at the next class. This way each class gets the content but the delivery is a bit different based upon the personality of that class.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I am teaching 3 different terms with day and evening classes. None of them are taught in the same way because I hope I am letting the class determine the best way for all of them to learn and retain as much info as possible.
It has always been a bit of a challenge at the beginning of each term until we identify what will work and what does not. My biggest challenge personally is switching several times a day to a new group of students and keeping my head on straight. Any suggestions?
Key point for instructors to remember as they do their instructional planning.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
to be an effective instructor, you must be able to adjust your teaching style to different students. Not every students learns the same way
As an instructor we need to be able to adapt to all learning types when it comes to people. For instance at our school the students have to complete 8 weeks of online learning before coming here to attend the rest of the course. So it is very important that we can reach out to all levels of different people with difficult in learning online.