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My reviews usually are 30 mins before the end of class.
I teach in a culinary school, and the reviews are all based on the techniques learned in the lab, the ingredients that can be used with each technique and the multiple outcomes of each techniques.
I then throwout random items to see how they would employ the different techniques to see if the get the point and its proper uses.
Before the start of class the next day,I randomly again throw out items to see if they remember and are able now to use the new items for the new days activities.

I have developed crosswords puzzles that reenforce the topics discussed in class. We also have question and answer papers. The students are expected to use this as self learning material at home or during non class time. I like to use this review material for tutoring sessions for those that would like to come to class early and review the material

since we have no reviews I try to go over the information several times, in many different ways.
I will have them verbally hear the information,I will have write the information,and if possible had them interact with a componant if possible , bringing all their sences in play.

Hi David,
Thanks for sharing this strategy with us. This is a powerful learning tool because the students get a comprehensive review that sets them up for the current class.

Hi Henry,
I like the way you use the different strategies and activities to get the students to use the material that has been covered. The more they use it the greater their retention of it is going to be.

Usually 10 to 15 minutes and this is done toward the end of class.If the subject matter is of high interest or importance I feel the extra time spent reviewing the topic is time well spent.This also allows me to judge how well the students absorbed the material and allows me to make any changes to improve learning.

I do reviews before the test to see what they know or dont. This is the time to make sure they understand the material about to be tested on.This is always done by me asking questions that are related to the test. I give the about 25 to 30 minutes prior to taking the test to study.

I have found reviews to be counterproductive to what we are trying to accomplish. I find students will tend to wander more in the halls, and spend less time paying attention in class because they know that the information that is going to be on the test will be covered in the review. I see students who are more focused on memorizing the review than on actually learning to be a technician.

I will conduct a question and answer period prior to giving a test. I find that this is a good way to let the students indicate what they are struggling with, so that I may help them. There are drawbacks to this strategy. First of all, you will get some classes where students do not ask questions. Secondly, some students ask a lot of questions that may not be found on tests, so that if other students are trying to memorize the answers they can be lead astray.

Obviously we want our students to become good technicians, but many times they are simply too focused on being a good test taker.

Hi Audie,
All of these strategies are supportive of students and gets them ready for the assessments. Good way to help your students to get settled in feeling confident that they can be successful on the tests.

Hi Jason,
You raise a good point about a negative aspect of doing a review. I haven't experienced this with my students so I appreciate you raising this caution. It is something that we need to be on the lookout for. Your strategy for doing the Q&A is a good one since it is a review in one sense but it is based upon the questions that students ask so the information covered is really targeted to them.

i review at the end of every class session, and after every client is finished. learners then can keep a good working knowledge of every haircut or chemical service being rendered and have a hands on review several times a day.

I will use key words & tell students they need to remember them . before a test they are given study time to research the key words

In our HRM class, we have students make study guides, then 2 days prior to the exam day they are placed in groups with the study guides, then switch them so they have someone elses, we go over the topics and see how well they have been logging their notes for the exam, then they see how much they need to study. And do very well in their exams.

Ford Fact has it set up really well for reviews. We go to lab and perform hands on tasks and then come into class and review that days labs. It helps the Students to claify what they may have missed.

Reviews: I use questions all day so my review is over the questions previouly asked during the power point presentation. I ask questions to see if the young people are paying attention,and to see if the information I'm delivering is getting into their minds. Reviews are to make sure the info taught has been recieved by our students and not for purpose of test review.

I will deliver the prerequisite review of the subject material before starting the lab exercises for a given course. These reviews typically take 3 to 5 hours to complete. Review of the days lab activities usually take 45 minutes to 2 hours and are completed the same day or first thing the following day. Optional tutoring sessions are also available through out the course before or after class at the request of the students.

I used to use reviews to gauge what areas students may have been having difficulty. This would bring out questions from the students that were "afraid to ask questions and it would also give me some "one on one" time with those particular students.

As we can no longer use reviews. I allow them to review their notes after the lesson is done. I do allow them to ask me any questions about what they are not understanding. Generally depending on the time left after the lesson, their review time may last anywhere from 15minutes to 45 minutes, depending on the students.

Each day I review the previous days lesson at the start of the day. I find this jump starts everyone brain and make a good intro into that days topic. This can take anywhere from twenty minutes to about an hour or more depending on the subject and the student level of interest. I also find that study guides provide a good way for students to review on their own.

My review is over the questions previouly asked during the power point presentation. I generally review the previous lesson at the beginning of each class.About 30 minutesthen,then I connect the previous lesson to the lesson of the day .

Reviews are a basic question/answer peroid; I allot as much time as needed.

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