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Usually 15 to 30 minutes and this is done toward the end of class.If the subject matter is of high interest or importance I feel the extra time spent reviewing the topic is time well spent.

Hi Daniel,
I agree with your assessment as to the value of such a review format. It really helps the students to leave with the content stored in their working memories.

I like to use reviews as a self study .The next day that they come in class I Like to keep them engaged in class material by starting the class with some q& a fromt he self study . this activity keeps them engaged and helps me as in instructer to see how much learning the are doing to see if they are picking up the course objectives.

When I do a review I try to break the material down into simple parts and then assemble the pieces to show how they contribute to the overall system. By doing this I think the students can more easily form a mental picture of the material covered. This usually leads to an increase in their retention of the material since it is more than just words. Generally I devote 30 to 40 minutes a day to review.

I use the self study info we offer to the students as a way to see how much knowledge they have gained from it. I normaly spend about 20 mins of time for the reviews.

You don't use reviews use lesson recap questions and answering. This lets the students relearn all the info they may have missed and ask questions about it. This is also a good tool for keeping the students attention and in class not roaming around the halls. It is a great time filler when you finish a lesson early.

Hi Louis,
Good way to get insight into where the students are and how much content they are able to remember and use.

Hi Jeffrey,
Good points about how to get the students engaged in the material and then stored in their working memory banks.

After each lab we have a review of what the lab stations were and the correct procedure for that station. Some stations require a little longer reviewing than others but on the average we use about hour a day for review. We also review over what we want them to do and the process.

I will give two reviews one at the start of the day that covers the day before and then one at the end of the day that covers the main topics that was covered. This will cover about 30 minutes at the start and 30 minutes at the end of the day.

we have just started giving the students self study assignments and i use the review process to check if they have done it, in a very casual format. once they have realized that the self study and review can help them through the tests, all the class does the self study.i usually alot one hour at the beginning of class for this.

I currently try to review the material before we go home breifly and then at the beginning of the next day I try to review the course material upto date

In my class I use a review to see if the class truly understands the subject.We start with the past day topic or lab task and just ask gen ques. and why they did what they did in that task we take about 15 to 20 Min to go over subject.This helps me see if I need to go over that topic in more detail or if they got and we move on to next subject.

I use reviews to gage the level of understanding of the material that has been presented. Depending on the responce that I get I may go straight to the lab for hands on time or stay in class to clairfy a few points first. As far as time allotted that changes with each class and their needs. Knowing the sticking points of the course helps me decide what will need more time and what will flow better.

End of the day reviews hits what material was delivered that day and gives it meaning for the next days learnings. The review needs to be long enough to be effective, but short enough to hold attention, so 20 to 30 minutes works well with student interation. A morning review is used to take what was learned the day before and how it is going to be applied with that day's lesson.

I like to always cover the material that was covered the day before at the beginning of the day.And then recap the material at the end of the section or Chapter. If it is to be used at the end of the course I will give some time to it throughout the course, like basic theory in Basic electrical.45 min.

Reviews or debriefing is a big part of the beginning of class each day, this gives students time to ask questions or to clear up the "gray" area before we move on to new information.

I usually start the day with verbal review of the previous day's material by asking individuals for answers.I also write review questions on the board at the end of a chapter.
I use 30 minutes on average per day for review.

Iuse it to guage how much of the days lesson or course lesson has been absorbed by the students. I also judge the amount of questions that the students ask about the subject of the day or course.then i try to review more heavely on the areas they seem to be lacking in or are more in tune with.I try to allow at least one hour a day or adjust as needed.

Steve, for me it's not using reviews but what I do is during the chapter I ask questions to see what they know or what they learned, so to put a time amout it's hard to.As for a formal review at the end of the chapter I don't do that.

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