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Critical Thinking as a Soft Skill

Developing varying degrees of skill to think critically is imperative for searching,analyzing, communicating, and implementing problem-solving judgments in all areas of endeavor: personal, social, business, education, family.etc.
Learning to be a lifelong learner is essential for pursuing one's career passions, family responsibilities, and social interactions. Perhaps an academic requirement for all undergrads should be an exposure to a course in Critical Thinking.

I like the idea about the course on Critical Thinking. The majority of my students do not have experience in critical thinking nor do they want to invest the time and effort to acquire the skills it takes to be reflective in thought. I use a lot of activities that help them see the value of critical thinking but it is still a challenge.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Hello James,

I couldn't agree more. Sometimes it seems the students just want to have all the information and answers then repeat them back to me on tests. Sometimes the answer doesn't matter at all, it's the process. The critical thinking that matters.


Critical thought process is paramount in the application of mechanical diagnostic skills. Critical thinking is not just a good idea for growth and success but the heart of the business. All repairs call for it every time one sees a different vehicle in front of you. A healthy imagination is helpful as well to see in your minds eye what failure is taking place when it is not outwardly visible. Dyslexia is helpful to a technician because of the 3 dementional aspect of visualization.

Good point about the need to be able to visualize the problem and then seek solutions.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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