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overcoming student fears

I believe informal introductions during the first class can help with student fears. At this time career goals and family information can be shared.

Student fears are generated from the unknown factors in beginning a new class. The instructor can relieve this fear by setting clear guidleines for the class without making it sound impossible.

The biggest fear going to the college is the social fear. They wonder what their peers will think if if they are not successful. So their fear is based on social consequences rather than on academic failure. The students be informed about this fear and be advised to reframe their thoughts and instead focus more on setting their career goals, which will enable them to succeed.

You make a very good point and one that needs to be remembered in working with non-traditional learners. They need support and encouragement plus early success so they will stay in the course and complete their program.

Dr. Gary Meers

Hi Tom,

I agree with you. I always do informal introductions (ice breakers) at the start of a new class. This really help to release some of the tension and anxiety that new students may have.

At the first class room session of each phase I have everyone introduce themselves, tell what experiences they have and why they choose this type of profession. This allows students of different ages to see they have more in common than they think. They older students then can relate their experiences in the field to why they are here and how it will further their employment, education and help them find better jobs.

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