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In addition to not tolerating drama from younger students or disruptions, they tend to be more rigid in new learning techniques. However, they do try to be open to learning.

Not yet done with this course and I am already using the principles in my class room. Asking questions to see what adults have some experience to help teach the younger students

Great to hear. I am excited for you and the results you are getting. I wish you continued success in your professional development and instructional efforts. If I can be of any help to you please let me know.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I think, one of the instructor's goal to give students opportunity to apply their previous life and professional background in the class, -other words to create a logic chain between subject and real life

The more connections you can make between the course content and the real world for your students the more relevancy they are going to see in their program. This sets them up to value the content because it is a part of their future career success.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

There is a diverse age range in the courses I teach. I have to agree that most 18 - 20 year olds have a fear of social failure. As an instructor, it is important to offer encouragement and support to these students. However, I have also noticed the nontraditional learner taking on a mentoring role and supporting those who have just graduated high school. As an instructor, it is as equally important to encourage these types of relationships.

I agree about nurturing role that older students take on as well as helping the younger students develop an appreciation for life experiences that the older students are bringing to and sharing in the class.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

In order to get the students to form better relationships, I use a variety of group activities. I have seen the younger and older students gain respect for each other as well as broadening their personal educational outlooks by doing this.

The mixing of generations to problem solve is a great way to help each group to gain respect for each other. My students really like working together on problem solving and case studies. They get so focused on the outcomes that they forget the age and life experience differences.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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