Hi. I see this all the time, and you could make the class into the most amazing learning experience the world has ever seen, but some people will always have an attitude about something. The thing is, don't take it personal, you are doing a great job and don't allow one student get you down. Some people will always be pessimistic about something, just be friendly and optimistic and helpful.
Hi David,
Spoken like a true professional. If we let the negative students get us down then they have deprived the entire class of our excitement and expertise. We just can't let that happen. We need to try and reach them in spite of themselves. Sometimes they come around and realize that we are trying to help them with their career goals.
I had a student in my last class who was just angry at that world. I just called on him more than any other student for awnswers, and he enjoyed being a positive part of class. He came to me the last day and thanked me, made me happy to help.
Hi Donald,
Great story. Always good to the hear stories about how instructors have influenced the lives of students.
I think a private conversation needs to be had with this student. You should confront the attitude one one one and give the student the opportunity to explain. It also gives you the opportunity to talk to the student about how their attitude will affect not only the success in class, but the ability to keep a job. No one wants to work with "Negative Nelly".
Thank you for repeating the responsibility each adult learner has for their own education. As instructors we certainly play a role, but it is ultimately up to the student. I did have a private talk with one student, and she later accused me of singling her out!
I've seen some of the greatest attitude problems in students who are in the program because of external factors (e.g. displaced workers, or required to maintain economic benefits), rather than because this was what they wanted to do.
Hi Mark,
What a sad situation with this student that thought she was being singled out instead of seeing an offer of help. Some students never get it no matter what you do. We just need to keep trying because we never know when that offer of help is taken and it makes a difference in the life of that student.
Coming from a background of little formal education in my family having the opportunity to complete high school and go to college was beyond my wildest dreams. So I relished going to school to the point I just kept going until I completed graduate school. I know these students have taken some serious hits in their careers and lives but if they can just see the opportunities that are there for them they can recreate their lives and move forward with their dreams. Again some of them never get there so they miss much joy in their lives.
I agree, this will get the problem out in the open one on one and find a possible solution and at the same time take some weight off the students shoulders.