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I think this is a great idea and a complete change of venue for the resetting of one's mind. This types of opportunities can really help to get students back into the flow of a class and be able to charge ahead for the final stretch of the course.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Instructors need to show excitement and love for the field they are teaching. This will carry over to their lessons and how the students receive the subject and instructor. If the instructor is getting bored with teaching the same subject then refocusing comes in. Learning how to present the topic differently will both be beneficial for the insrructor and students.
Mariann Urbancsik

We need to bring our A game to the classroom or lab every time we teach a class. We are the learning leaders of our students so we set the example and are models of what we expect of our students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

The lesson on re-focusing centers really on instructors' recharging themselves around midterm. It's a good lesson. By midterm, I have finally gotten physically used to the new schedule of the term. In a 10-week term I might teach from 8am-1pm or 1pm -6pm or 6pm-11pm. Often I'll teach 2 classes back to back. So, my work day is in excess of 10 hours during each of which I have to be my best most energetic, positive self.
I find that it is very necessary to be super-flexible about taking breaks, so that I can refocus in the short-term, on an hour-to-hour basis.
Lately, I've been humorously encouraging students to ask me and their fellow students, "Do you need a Snickers?"

Like the commercial for Snickers! I think this is a great example for instructors to consider especially based upon the staggered time frame in which you may teach. This schedule is tough for anyone so being able to stay on top of your game while having a sense of humor is the sign of a dedicated educator.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

when you get confuse or lost you need a quick recovery technique, some times i just admit i am a little confused, lets move on and we will re-adress this topic later and move to something I am comfortable with. research and return.

This way you can find your balance again and you have kept the class from derailing. Thank you for bringing up this challenge because each of us needs to have such a plan in place.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I completely agree that when the instructor is excited about the topic they are teaching the students pay more attention. I really enjoyed this module. While I love teaching video editing, I had been feeling a little drained. After reading this section I was inspired to present the material I had set in a completely different way. I am exited to put these ideas into motion and eager to get student feedback.

I foumd this happening to me a couple months ago and did not know what it was. I took some time off to recharge and it was affective.

This should be a fun activity for you as you are going to introduce something new not only to your students but to yourself. I teach many sections of the same course over and over so I try to do something different in each one each time I teach the course. This keeps me excited about teaching and I have a lot of fun trying new things.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Great to hear you are excited and back with passion and excitement for teaching in your area. We all need that bit of refreshing now and then.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Instructors need to "REFOCUS" because we are humans and not robots! I am so glad to read about this module material...though I sure could have used this information before my students transformed from "eager learners" to "foreigners"! Yes, I am ready to print my t-shirt "I Survived the Mid-Course Slump!" So it's never too late to pat myself on the back for my achievements as an instructor! I do think the 3x5 card tendency is low tech and think it would be neat to have students use the Twitter format for responding. I loved the 'triage thinking' and the 'we're on the same learning path'! This module was a great booster shot! I also loved the "Do you need a Snickers?" tip in this discussion topic! TOO FUNNY! I need help adding stories to my General Education (English) class material. Any suggestions on how that can be done?
Happy REFOCUS Journey,

Thank you for these great comments about how to refocus. As for help in getting students to see the value of English in their career areas I would do role playing, case studies and examples of how written and oral communication can make or break a career opportunity. I translate these stories into things like lost income or promotions so they can see that effective communication can enhance career growth if developed. Good luck!

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I think we all need a recharge; not only as instructors, but as professionals also. Without a recharge we may find ourselves often wondering not only why am I teaching, but why am I still in this field.

I agree. One of the things I like to do is to go "job shadow" individuals in my field for a few hours or day. This way I get to see what is the most current applications and techniques being used plus I get input from the person on additional things my students need to know. I find this time a lot of fun and I always learn a lot from this small investment of time.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.


Instructors should always keep in mind the need to REFOCUS, it is imperative to maintain the students actively engaged in the classroom, this will create excitement and add interest to the class. As we know the attention span is only 10 to 15 minutes, the instructor need to keep this in mind an make an effort to REFOCUS on a fly to maintain the student engaged at all times.


Good point and something we need to remember as we plan our instructional delivery and activities. Students need to have a change of pace and variety in their classes.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

It's easy to get stressed out and forget why you're there and how far you've come

You should always remember why you got into teaching and remind yourself that more than likely the students are beginners at what you are teaching. They will make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. You were the same when you started and just because you are a seasoned veteran don't become impatient when they don't get "IT" the first time. REFOCUS!

This is why students need to be reminded over and over throughout the duration of a course. They get worn down and forget they are learning a lot and moving forward in their career development.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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