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This is a great strategy to use with students because real life has a way of pushing their ability to keep focused on school to the side. When outside influences and challenges become large students need to have support and encouragement so they will stay focused and not forget the reason they became students in the first place.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Being successful in your field, and, therefore, able to share with students what they will be capable of achieving, and all the interesting events that may occur along the road, is a great motivator. Along with this approach must come the awareness for the student that the instructor was just like them at one time in the journey, and still learning. Helping students understand their potential, and being realistic about what may be necessary to attain success is a part of motivating, also, so long as the students are allowed to have the space to see their own journey rather than the instructor's personal accomplishments. Helping a student to believe in the possible is an integral part of motivation.

I like to try to create a very interactive environment by encouraging two way discussion in class. One way I like to do this is by asking more open ended questions that have more than one correct answer and require more than a simple 'yes', or 'no'. This tends to get students really thinking more, rather than just trying to memorize something they read. It can also help some students who might not regularly participate in class to participate a little more and become more involved when they see their class mates participating and providing different ideas or answers.

By being prepared, knowing your material and always having activities that will engage them to participate on the topic.

I teach Medical Biller & Coders. Being in the field for more than 30 yrs. I also use my past experience to motivate my students. Explain how important it is to submit claims to Insurance Companies so they can get a paycheck. I motivate them sometimes by playing games before their test. I include multiple choice, fill in the blanks, and T/F. this really gets them involved. they play these games individually not as teams. At the end of course the winner gets rewarded.

I have a passion for my profession and it shows in my teaching. My students tell me that they are motivated to succeed by the passion I exhibit.

Passion, enthusiasm and excitement help to sell the course content and build motivation within the class. Plus, it is a lot fun when you have a class full of ramped up learners.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I find keeping the class up to date with current information as well as the basic principals keeps the students motvated . PAUL c

One of most important things an instructor should remember, is that he/she was student once. These experiences should be used to motivate their students by explaining to their students how to overcome disappointments, set goals, and develop good study habits. They must be a mentor as well as an example to their students by using their life experiences. Another, important motivator is feedback, feedback and more feedback. Students need to understand where they stand to improve their performance.

Sometimes I think instructors do forget they were once students. By seeing our class through the eyes of our students we get a clearer picture of how we can more effectively deliver our content. As for the feedback comment right on. Feedback is helps students to grow while in our classes.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I believe that the simple things in the classroom can be the most motivating for students. First of all, demonstrate the behavior you expect in the classroom. Show up on time and remain consistant with the outline you have required them to follow. If it is important enough to present, it is important enough to follow. Creative ways of teaching and delivering material based on the audience can be implemented as the course continues. I believe students are comfortable in a consistant environment. Comfort and trust can be extremely motivating.

You have outlined a ideal way to approach the classroom and learners. As the learning leader it is up to you to model the behavior wanted and engage the learners as a level that enables them to move forward in their career preparation.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Some ways to be a motivating instructor is to share personal experiences with my students and have them draw on their experiences and share them as well. Other ways are instructing with emotion, being energetic, and animated so students can enjoy while they are in the process of learning and motivated to attend my classes.

There are various ways I can be a motivating instructor. First, I will enter the classroom on time and greet the students. I will make sure to have all of my teaching materials ready and on hand. This will let the students see the importance of being prepared. As a motivating instructor, I will continue to study, and further enhance my teaching skills. Students will therefore see the importance of life-long education even after they have graduated.

Hello. Some ways I can be a motivating instructor is to constantly remind students about the benefits of continuing education in the nursing field. This field can be a very rewarding field if you are in it for the right reasons. I can also use the motivating factor that there is always a great demand for nurses. I am a nursing assistant instructor and many colleges require the completion of a nursing assistant course before being able to attend nursing school.

Good strategies to use and a great way to set up the class for successful learning. You have a good professional development laid out as well. As a result your expertise as an instructor is going to continue to grow.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I like the way you have laid out how you are going to engage your students and get them excited about what you are teaching. Yes, you are in an exciting field with a great future. Helping your students to see that is one of the best things you can do for your students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Be their for them, listen to them, if they need help, help them. If they feel someone is their for them they will be motivated to succeed because they will have something to prove to someone

discuss your professional life experienceas and relate them to the students' experiences and motivation for the course material and personal succss

Some ways I motivaate during class discussion is making sure I allow people to share an idea or experience and then commend them sharing.

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