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Student Participation

I always encourage class participation by students and create opportunities to allow all students to be engaged in class discussions and projects. This is a significant motivator for my students.

From when the class first starts I let the class know that I will be looking for participation and will NOT criticize or embarass them for the wrong answer. I tell them if they do their HW, class notes and study they will be more confident in the subject matter. dennis

Gary, your post brings forward a critical concept, effective instructors constantly evaluate their classroom environments and make adjustments as necessary to move things forward. Much like a sailboat requires constant adjustments to properly steer.


James Jackson

I find that my enthusiasm and knowledge of the subject, along with allowing each student to contribute to the class room discussion, provides an atmosphere of a positive learning environment and promotes student confidence.

This allows me,as the instructor, to evaluate strengths and weaknesses in the students and assist those who need further direction.

Thanks for your post Phyllis. Can you share a time when you had to coordinate a student participation activity and what steps you took to get your students to take action?

Thanks for anything you can share.


James Jackson

I always use class participation to get my students motivated. It takes some of my students a little while to feel comfortable, but once they feel secure with myself and their peers they are always open to participation.

The technique that is been working for me is. I ask a general question and wait for an answer, while the class develops I ask other questions to the student who did not participate in the previews question so I can get feedback from all the student.

Other technique I use, it goes after student answer a question and I ask to class if any other though or objection regard to the answer allowing for room participation.

Thanks for your feedback Andre. What are some of the techniques you use to create opportunities for students to participate in your lesson plans? How do you get all students to participate? Thanks for any information you can share.


James Jackson

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