Some help needed!
I am taking this course to be able to figure out how to keep motivating my students as the semester moves on. At first the students were very motivated to learn and lately they have been drifting off.
It is not that my teaching style has changed but the subject did. Being that this is a core basic class and needed, they somehow cannot see why the projects they are doing relate to the outside world even though I give them examples all of the time. How do I motivate students any more than I feel I have
Hi Beth,
I teach a few classes were I have business students and criminal justice students.
It is so important to show relevance to both groups.
Try reworking your assignments.
For example I have the criminal justice students demonstrate arrest procedures. The business students demonstrate Excel.
Everyone learns and it is fun!
Hope this helps.
Can you tie the projects to actually exemplify their job? Example, I have the students do a PPT presentation on how do used different types of equipment so that could "present" this to their patients in the future as patient educations. Since your students may each have different career paths using a rubric would help with expectations.