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I will be applying at midpoint of term to ask all student to share what they and why they chose to go back to school and what did they reacpture until now since they have started attending. Feedback given to me from student on how I teach wheather it be a positive or negative feedback will teach me to change those that are negative to become positive.

I will keep students engaged by having them to understand the seriousness of our trade as well as getting them in small groups to figure out complex troubleshooting solutions to provide your understanding of the material covered.


When students see applications and illustrations of how content can be used, they will be able to store the information in their minds and then retrieve it when they need it  or  working memory. Learnativity= active, move, participate. The acronym REFOCUS is a great word to keep in mind when thinking about the classroom. 

This module touched on rapport with students. Teaching adults we can sometimes try to be the friend instead of the instructor. Rapport is more about a base of respect for each other.

I like the idea of using stories about the topic, this will give them a way to relate to each story.

Very informative and a great way to keep a class focused.


For each class attempting to maintain motivation and enthusiasm in the course will be seen and felt by the students. Students look to the instructor to be not only a role model but also for guidance. 

it is a good idea to do an evauation mid term tosee how the progress is comimg along. It is also a good idea to have the students do a self reflection at this time. To see what they know now versus what they did not know at the beginning of the semeter.


I learned it is important to establish rapport with our students. We want to make them know we want to be there and why is it important for them to be there. I will incoporte this by doing an introduction of students. Who they are and why they choose nursing 


I like the principle behind the REFOCUS acronym.  Sometimes I find myself caught in a rut and it helps to refocus.  Student engagement is also a plus.  I try to encourage particpation throughout the course and have the students help each other after I have helped them learn a particular skill.  I consider it as reinforcement of what they just learned.


I liked the sentence frames instructors can use in class discussions- it can be really difficult to redirect a conversation and it can be even harder to correct misinformation that comes from adult learners in a way that doesn't feel like you're telling them they are wrong. That's where it can be helpful to have some frames at the ready such as:

"That's an interesting idea. Tell me why you say that."

"That's not my understanding of ____________, but I'd love to hear why you think ____________________."

This can disrupt the binary of right and wrong in the classroom (there is often so much middle ground in what we teach) and help spark a democratic conversation that includes multiple perspectives and allows students to share their thinking and lived experiences. 

definatly going to use REFOCUS.

I think it is always helpful to engage students by having them relate personal experiences.  It ties the material to experiences the students had in the past and may make new learning connections both for them and others.


This module was great is discussing how to engage students 


I appreciate the review of what to expect halfway through a course.  There's a good chance students will be less engaged and the tactics reviewed will not only help me identify the disengagement they will also help me reduce this or help pull students back into engagement.  The unburden in REFOCUS is a great step supporting the instructor to not set unrealistic expectations.  


The section about rules made me reflect on my performance evaluations that always want to know how I deal with disruptive students. I have never had a disruptive student but once. I tend to think it's my behavior and posture that sets the tone within my class. I believe students don't know how to "take" instructors until they see you. However, thinking more deeply, after reading the Rules section, I inadvertenly give students the "Rules of My Class" without telling them "these are the rules for my class." I use words such as, professionalism, development, and training beyond patient care. We discuss the rationale for the uniform and attendance policies and how it plays an intergal part in the professional attitude.

Sometimes to keep students energized I need to also look at myself and see if I need to refocus


Refocusing during burn out moments can help redirect students to their reason for going back to school


using real life examples in the daily lessons to refocus student attention

Students set a career path and there is an emotional factor in learning that we need to consider in teaching.

Application and illustration of subject matter are helpful for student to retain information.

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