Students are excited when you acknowlege their contributions about their experiences.
The more prepared you are the easier it is to motivate the students and the more motivated they are the more they will learn.
As an instructor, it is important to show that you are enthusiastic about the subject you will be teaching.
Enagaging students is important in helping them understand and grasp the content. Create clear content that relates to life, that has meaning and is well planned.
Another importany nugget: Reinforce students in a way that motivates each individual learner, supports their learning and maintains class control.
Motivating students is important to student success as well as maintaining student retention.
This course has helped me to see craeting a class enviroment that crates opportunities for the student to take risk, and be a creative thinker is a important. I too must learn to present my instructive style in such a way that transcends the message.
Upon enrollment the student was motivated to seek higher learning. My position as the insturctor to to have devoloped ednough skill, knowledge, and empathy to put in my clearly defined curriculum to keep that spark and motivation! I will engage with students by learning their why and put that into my learning structure.
Motivation and caring for your students is extremely important. Showing enthusiasm when they have done a great job and empathy when they are having rough time. Sometimes just breaking it down to there level helps for the light bulb to go off upstairs. When they get it, you will see it immediately on there faces. So rewarding!
i share my personal experiences and successes with my students and encourage them to strive to be the best they can be and enjoy the ride.
Showing empathy is important but it doesn't mean the outcome of the situation can change.
I plan on incorporating the suggestion box where students can anonymously paritcipate in what went well and suggestons on what they would like to see implemented in the classroom setting. I will also continue to lecture but awill dd a lot more student discussions on the topics to better instill the concepts and keep the students motivated to learn. Almost every student, now matter what their age, comes into my classroom with different stressors, education level, life experiences, and self-doubt. Overall. this course has given me the understanding of the importance of better understanding each of my students so i know what motivates them become better learners and therefore closer to their goals.
Experiential inference from educators to learners can enable them to learn and recall information effectively. Having an ability to connect data points more profoundly can often be the balance between understanding and confusion.
Know your students and be aware of teaching styles to motivate them. Create a safe environment to have good student participation.
If i am excited about the subject I am teaching then the students will be excited to learn it
you need to motivate studentsas you want them to learn, retain and transfer this education to the field. Knowyour content, students, create an envirnment that allows them to take risks and trascend the message. Give frequent and prompt feedback.
I appreciate the recommendation to get to know your students and understand their motivation to learn. I plan to work towards obtaining this undertsanding early in the course leading to increased student engagement and retention.
When asked a question,pause and reframe the answer in your mind before speaking up to avoid "um and ah" which may create doubt in the minds of the students