This module described important concepts regarding student retention. Offering learning techniques like mnemonics can be used to reinforce objectives and make connections especially when combined with application activities.
Motivating helps students to get excited about their choice in study. Motivations help the students to be successful.
I need to know my students. Don't humilate them. I must be aware of my style and how it may intimdate someone. I have to create an environment where someone can take risks.
key characteristics of being a good teacher is knowing content, knowing your students, trancending the information and encouraging taking risks in your class. the motivation giving by you as the instructor directly effects the students motivation and success in your class.
I have learned that I must keep my students motivated and that I must ensure I know the content, know the student, and transcend the message.
Motivation and reward go hand in hand. If the student feels they are sucessful, it is a huge step to their success.
This emphasized the importance of motivation and keeping your students engaged through a well prepared, interesting and relevant lecture.
I have always shown empathy for students when it comes to unexpected mishaps in life. One way I prepare myself is to explain to the students, at the beginning of the term, is that once in a while in their studies (as a student) life can get in the way. Sometimes these events are positive but more often it can be negative. As adult learners, they need to be prepared for these events and not to fall behind before something unexpected can happen. I want the students to be upfront if they think they will need more time, I will give it to them as long as they tell me before the due date. I tell them to hand in what they have and I will give them extra time to resubmit for a better grade as long as it is reasonable. I definitely do not want this as a recurring problem but I want to know they have been working on the assignment and not just waiting till the last minute. I want everyone that I teach to be successful and I would rather have quality work that is a day or two late than crappy weak work on time.
Know your students find each ones motivation work with them and show them you do know your subject and you are an expert at it without being a know it all everyone learns at their own rate and they will get a good foundation in their chosen career above all know your limitations and instill enthusiasm to learn in their own way not everyone learns like I did be willing to work with them without being overbearing or pompous in your field
Students can lose their enthusiasm about the subject area very quickly if they don't know how they are doing in the course. Immediate feedback helps them to know they are doing well or shows them areas in which they need to improve.
In this module, I reflected on the my student's response to my level of enthusiasm. We know that excitement is contagious, and that is true in the classroom as well and furthermore it will help engage students. The other refelction was that as that excitement turns into engagement it's like a snowball that rolls into the ability for the students to want to take risks becuase they feel cared for and finally can transend the message into application.
I need to get up the nerve to watch the recordings of my teaching so I can hear where I use filler words and gauge my own pacing (too fast? too slow?). I also need to count how often I assess for understanding from students.
Success of the student is greatly depends on the strenght of the instructor. Have emapthy, be prepared & motivate.
An instructor not only has to have expertise, but empathy and understanding.
The ability to convey their passion for the subject to others in a positive an motivating way.
Motivating students requires empathy, enthusiasm, and clarity. It also is good as an teacher to be aware of your style and the environment that you create for the students. It is important not to humilate the students.
I found the four things to become a great teacher video was very interesting and helpful to guide myself in my new journey as an instructor.
It is important to share your enthusiasm with the students. This creates a good learning environment and may help in keeping students engaged. Demonstrate clarity by the use of personal experiences or analogies.
I like that the module emphasizes that
"Students must retain information from your class in order to benefit from the learning." Retention is more important to me than grades. Assignments must be created that reinforce retention.