Certain instructors have mural issues and can easily drag others into their half empty mentality. I found the best way to deal with this is too surround yourself with a positive influences not a negitive ones.
Hi Thomas,
You brought out the flip side of being negative. Sometimes negativity can be out of character for some people, and we should try to get to the root of things.
I think that negitive people should be kept at arms length. With that said we all can get a little negitive at times. As mentors shouldn't we also have some compassion for our peers? If a person is negitive just to be negitive, or the person is always negitive thats one thing. But, if someone is negitive and it's out of character for them to be that way, shouldn't we understand that something is wrong and offer help to that person? Too often we ignore problems that are staring us in the face or we try to justify the problem or even place blame for the problem without understanding what the problem is. I believe that we are all in this together and together we can overcome any problem that stands in our way.
Hi Wing,
At my institution instructors MUST NOT disrespect their students. As educators, we should give our students the same respect, we expect them to give us.
It is definitely important to surround yourself with positive people. Many instructors that are angry or negative can easily influence your attitude on your students. As an associate instructor that typically works with another instructor in the same class, I have encountered first hand the differances in my teaching when I'm paired with a positive instructor compared to a negative one. Many instructors become angry or negative when they associate certain problematic students or situations with the entire student population. They believe that all students are the same and don't give new students a chance. They immediately treat them with disrespect and contempt. This is something that's very serious and needs to be identified and addressed.
Hi Patricia,
This holds true in every facet in life. We absolutely need to get rid of the negativity in our lives in order to move on.
Hi Glen,
As educators, it is always best to be smarter than you are angry. An angry instructor can sometimes be a close-minded instructor. Continue to guide your colleagues in a positive direction.
Hello James,
Continue to stay away from the whiners/complainers. You sound like you are a postive person. Surround yourself with positive people like you.
I agree. I try to get with people that are positive, too. It makes my day and my job easier. The ones that bother me the most are the ones who want to do nothing but complain. If you have a problem, come up with a solution that might work and discuss it with a supervisor.
Hi Ronald,
You are on point! Simply put, if your attitude is bad you should not be in education!
Hi Norman,
Nicely said. I like to say, "negativity is cancerous." One must isolate themselves from negativity. Always try to surround yourself with positive people.
I personal believe that instructors with extreemely poor attitudes or angry dispositions should not be around students. Young students or adults students, it doesn't matter, they are all very impressionable. We as teachers, have the responsibilty to motivate and encourage students, not drag they emotions through a gringer.
Negativity is like a cancer. Once it starts to spread, it's extremely hard to stop. Even sometimes surrounding yourself with positive influences is hard. Sometimes you still find yourself in the minority and can still get overwhelmed in negativity. Keep positive thoughts, positive company, and display positive attitudes even when nothing's going right and you'll succeed.
Hi Brenden,
Birds of a feather flock together. Try to surround yourself with positive people and isolate yourself from negative folks.