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Importance of strategies to counteract the stress of work that will make me a better teacher  

The idea of being honest and transparent about both work and personal stress.

I find this extremely humorous . Im a single father of two and work two jobs. students at my school are less than stellar for the most part but they all get 110% of my attention under my care. being an Expert in my field prior to switching to teaching, I found the easiest transitional portion was to be myself and set the standard for my students. Dont let them set it for me. I let them know what to expect of me and what I expect of them. Same goes for my children. Communication is key of lessening the stress. At that point, if those students make the active choice to fail, they make that choice on their own. 

Stress has been shown to be part of the work and home environment.

Stress from different sources will accumulate and show up as signs and symptoms that further interfere with our time. 

Personal interpretation of stress leads to a reduction in productivity and helath. 


In this module I learned that it is important to be transparent about my stressors 


In this moldule I learned that it is important to be transparent about your stressors and stgress level. 


I have learned that having to many hats to where can stress and does stress me out and make me less effiecient.  I need to cut down on a few things by first ID the things that stress me out and try to eliminate some of those things. 


Reply to Patrick Gillam's post:

Putting the stressors in writing or quantifying them is one way of reducing stress

What stresses me out is juggling repsonsibilities, aside from great responsibilities I have great responsiblity also at home to take care of others. Commute , traffic and getting on time stresses me a lot if I am assigned to distant clinical sites.


My schedule inside and outside of work is demanding and stressful, but I have learned to manage it well over the years.  Priortizing, planning, taking time for myself, and exercise is key for me.  

It's nice to know that alll new teachers face similar stressors and insecurities. Being transparent with personal and professional stressors is an important point of learning for me. 


This section has taught we that must differentiate between our personal and professional life when it comes to stress. 

I tend to think about stress as being work related, but after working through this module, I realize that the stress in my personal life bleeds over into my worktime in more ways than I had realized. I like the idea of writing down my stressors and being more transparent about them, however that is a fine line. We all know people who complain endlessly about their stress and that doesn't seem productive. 

I do have stressors from both my personal life and work life. After reading this module, I realized that time I was really stressed was the beginning and end of a semester.

Stress can be both internal and external. Not having a balanced lifestyle can affect how you are as an instructor. Also having an environment that is not equiped toteach thelessons you have prepared can also be an issue especially for nursing courses.


Stress in a normal part of life but what I get stressed with the most at work is when I don't have enough time to teach students what they should know. Teaching six chapter in one week and having them complete the procedures is a lot for some students. I have to remember to get what needs to be done and move on. 


Today's life style is stress producing. The fast pace and many things that must be done in a short time can be a stress factor.

i have some stressors. but Im going to make a list and see if it helps to list it.


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