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I am an expert in my field that just began teaching.  I am finding it has plenty "stressors" of its own.

The biggest stressor is the balance between work and family, as my husband wants me available to the children and it makes me feel torn sometimes between re4sponsibilities and guilty for slighting one over the other.

How I look at stress is how it will affect me. Staying positive and not sweating the small stuff is BEST.  


I must let go of the past  and focus on the future. This is how I will be positive about stress.


I have understood and learned some of the causes and consequences of mantaining a stressful life, that are essential to deal effectively with the stress.

Moreover, I have learned some tips that I consider that may be very useful to have an appropriate approach in this regards. I believe that writing down a stress list will help me to honestly identify most o f the factors which cause stress in my life.

I am looking forward to move on module 4 in order to get a professional perspectie on how to better cope with these stress factors.

COVID 19 is certainly a stresser.  Fortunately we stayed in person all last year and that made my teaching life easier.  But I'm already starting to worry about this year................................

Identifying what stress is is the best place to start. It is identified in symptoms such as headaches, back pain, & upset stomach. It is defined as the conflict between goals & capabilities.

Causes of stress in the work place can come from many things, such as stands to meet, conflict, the commute, inadequate teaching experiences, keeping up with technology, and difficult teaching environments.

Causes of stress in ones personal life can come from many areas, such as juggling responsibilities, expectations from family & friends, & responsibilities to others.

The consequences of a stressful life will affect your health, & your productivity.


The best way to control stress is to make a list of what is stressing you. You can identify, & address each one separately.

I hadn't really considered the stressors relating to the teaching environment, though in retrospect I've certainly experienced them first hand. The pandemic certainly made my (and I'm sure many teachers') enviornment difficult and stressful, trying to use technology and retain a degree of comfort in the physical setting. Making lists, as usual, I feel is a great way to approach stressors and solving problems and working towards viable solutions.

I have learned to identify the different type of stressors. Andi too much of all types of stressors can lead to bad consequences in health and productivity at work. it is very imperative to know how to eliminate, reduce and learn how to cope with stress.



We live in a society of high expectations, both personal and professional. Being honest with yourself about what stressors take a toll on your health can help you to prioritize what stress is worth managing and which is not. 


Importance of strategies to counteract stress of work that will make me a better teacher 

Knowing that the three most common symptoms reported by people who experience stress are headaches, upset stomach, and back pain, actually makes me think I'm more stressed than I realize.

This section has shown me how important it is to be transparent when it comes to stress in both my professional and personal life.


I went from being totally available to work anytime of day and any day of the week to a very strict schedule after becoming a parent.  I feel that after reading this module, I should be more upfront with my manager about a stress from work.  My manager is very open to personal issues. 


this section showed me the importance of transparency when it relates to stress in both personal and professional life. 

The importance of being transparent about your personal and professional stress levels.

Understanding the power of writing stressors down.  

Understanding the consequences of living with stress will help me focus on eliminating and reducing some stresses in my daily life.

There are many sources of stress, you must put things in priority order and focus, but know that you are not on an island by yourself.

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