Critical thinking skills are important in nursing and students have to learn to navigate in the critical thinking process and apply it.
I have learned quite a bit in this section. I always think of teaching as the curriculum but there are so many communication skills that come into play when teaching. Using soft skills I have been building throughout my life is probably the biggest thing I took away from this section.
To operate in a modern world, the student has to be able to learn skills that go beyond the technical training that they receive in our classrooms. These capabilities, often termed "people skills" or "soft skills," include, being able to communicate, to listen as a way of learning, have an ethical awareness, and the ability to manage oneself as well as others. Students also need to establish critical thinking and "learn" creative thought.
As instructors, we need to be able to teach these skills in tandem with the curricula we are already teaching, but to do so effectively, we must be able to develop strategies for teaching these workplace skills. I hope that this course will aid in providing me with more ways to accomplish that.
Teaching independence in learning and in professional skills is vital. We need to create a progression through the curriculum.
Comment on Francisco Gonzalez's post: I agree, if you are a seasoned nurse, we take for granted we had to learn this skill also. Encouraging students to think outside the box, use the critical thinking they already possess, boost their confidence.
I encourage critical thinking in several parts of my class by providing stimulating questions, and scenarios that require them to use the information we have discussed. I often add something that shifts the scenario to an area that is not so easily addressed. I like encouraging critical thought because it is pertinent in our field as we work with other staff and patients to provide the best ideas to improve their outcomes.
Critical thinking can be developed through the writing process. Students should be encouraged to become self managers of their education.
A teaching environment that fosters creativity is extremely important for the students to learn better ways to solve problems.
Help the student by encouraging them to move from dependent learning to more critical thinking and creativity on their part in the learning process.
it's important as a teacher to be able to help my students learn time management and how to apply it towards the work force and daily life.
The need to develop Critical Thinking skills in our students is just as crucial as any other skills we can help them develop. I want to look for ways to use this in all the topics of the course I teach!
It is important for students to learn the soft skills and individual management so that they can support themselves in the workplace.
The content made me think about how we go about teaching problem solving and creativity.
Good critical thinking skills are important when students are attempting to solve problems. Creativity can also be fostered by instructors.
Teaching students to ask questions and think outside the box needs to be implemented in every course. Critical thinking cannot be learned only in one course.
Since critical thinking is so essential for success it's important that help the students to learn to think critically.
We need to foster growth through creativity and critical thinking by way of different teaching styles and environments to encourage and provoke deeper thoughts.
Soft skills such as communication, professionalism, and active listening are not inherent skills and need to be integrated into classroom teaching.
Creativity can be cultivated in the classroom through various methods such as brainstorming, problem solving, and encouraging lateral thinking.