I believe sharing is a great learning tool. A teacher in another institution may have a different approach on a lesson. This may also make a teacher a more well rounded person in regards having more tools in their toolbox.
It's important to have a faculty that is on board with sharing resources, rubrics, content, and lecture material. It helps to align classes and content.
The ability to share quizzes an other learning resources is an invaluable tool. Considering that our specialty is in education, we are not only teachers, but learners as well. The ability to share resources provides everyone with additional avenues to teaching. Perhaps teachers are using methods and strategies that others have not thought of before. This is not to say that all teachers should copy each other, however, they should be provided with different opportunities for improvement in their classes.
Sharing learning resources with other instructors provides an opportunity for everyone to enhance and expand his/her lesson plans. New and good ideas are always welcomed
I believe sharing resources promotes collaboration among teachers. It paves an avenue for consistency in what students are learning. I even incorporate test questions from the Pharmacology class on my measurements test.
The thing I like about seeing other instructors materials is I will find new ways to present topics, but the new way will enable me to better explain certain topics. Normally when I am looking for ways to present topics I mainly focus on finding ways to present the difficult topics in a way that is easier for the students to comprehend.
I have no problem sharing quizzes and other learning resources with those in my own school. But I would have a problem with sharing the quizzes with those outside but not learning resources. I have concern with quiz because like publisher of test the concern of it getting published out to a public site. I had issue with labs and end of chapter questions from textbook I have use being published out on site. I caught students copying from there. The only way I found out was that one of the answers was incorrect by the publisher. The student try to argue that they found it from reliable source but had to point out in their text where the correct answer was to show that it was indeed a mistake.
The sharing of other material helps everyone to do better and saves time. You can then have time to then focus more on what will help the students.
Sharing teaching ideas and materials is a collaborative way to share ideas one may not think of on his/ her own. It might offer a better way of doing things or enhance teaching methodologies.
This course offered value with each article. It contained a wealth of knowledge about virtual resources available to use in the classroom. Some which I have not used yet but plan to visit and explore what they are all about. Some of these are: Prezi, Zoho Notebook, Empressor, and Quiz Star. The course was interesting and very dynamic.
Joe Barber
I think that sharing learning resources can be helpful in not only helping the instructor keep the class fresh for themselves by letting them see the information through someone elses eyes but it might also help to pump up a low section in your class that you might be having trouble getting the students engaged.
Its a great idea as you get new ideas, and improve your teaching skills.
I think there is a great value in it, especially if the instructor is new to the course. Even though the quizzes are previously generated, they may be tailored to what the new instructor has been covering. It at least provides them with a starting point instead of starting from scratch.
The arsenal of teaching resources is always enriched by discussing with other teachers what materials they have used successfully to impart a lesson and what assessment has proved to be effective in measuring knowledge acquisition. And not only the materials themselves but how these were better used since the same materials not always work the same with different groups of students.
Philip Cunill
I think it is very valuable to have th ability to share quizzes and other learning resource. One reason is because you can get feedback on how you can make your information more informative. It also allows you to see other resources that you may not have known about to enhance your teachings.
I think sharing of teaching materials is one of the most valuable acts- for both students and instructors. Understanding that my students will learn in many different ways has encouraged me to reach out and share materials in order to present the course content in diverse ways that support their many learning styles. As an instructor, comparing my own assessments to the assessments of other educators has served me well in determining the validity and fairness of my assessments. Often times, I have utilized parts of materials with my own to customize the content for my students- since no two classes are the same.
I have limited experience but when I am able I always look to see if there is any material available. We use Engrade and there is a library provided. The disappointment is that graphic design is not a wide spread program so there are not many resources to exchange. When I do find something I find it very valuable even if it is only to use it as a starting point for creation of quizzes.
It gives you the opportunity to see and learn different resources and find what is best for you as an instructor to define your own teaching techniques.
I really Don't like to share my materials with other instructors, unless I have a good working relationship with them.
I really like making up my own exams/assignments because I know my students and I enjoy customizing exams/assignments that will cause my students to get more out of the class
Why reinvent the wheel? If someone already has developed quizzes and learning resources that are effective there should not be a need to redevelop the same material. I am always willing to share information, quizzes, and teaching techniques with anyone who is interested. I sometimes listen to students talk about how “this instructor rocks. He is the best!” I always try to listen for what it is about this particular instructor that they find so appealing. Then I try to sit in that instructor's class and try to pick up on methods that they use and adopt them in my class. I encourage my colleagues to do the same. I think it is important that all educators work together and share “best practices” to advance of all of us involved in education, not just our students. We should be learning as much if not more than our students.