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Using Phones

I've often found that storing my files such as powerpoints and lecture notes on my phone seem to work really well. I'm more likely to forget a folder or a jump drive but I'll never be without my phone.

It's also easy to email the files to yourself if there isn't a duplicate screen feature. Anyone else do this?

I would like to utilzie my phone to a greater extent than I do, I always carry my phone with me. How do you access your files on your phone such as possibly powerpoints or videos, and then connect to the computer to project onto a multimedia screen? What is the easiest way to accomplish this?

I keep all my lessons on a flash drive as well, but have them all backed up online so I can access them if needed.


Personally, I email presentations to myself, upload to my Google Drive account, and have a copy on my thumb drive- that way, one way or another, I will have access from any room with or without an internet connection. Now, guaranteeing the projector bulb is not out, well that is another story : )

Theresa Schmitt

I do have a smart phone, but would not be interested in storing my teaching plans and PowerPoints on it. Smart phones have a tendency to let you down just as much as the internet service or the computer itself. I rely heavily on my flash drive, and would feel lost without. I did not realize that SkyDrive was available, or that it was a free resource. I will have to look into this.


I rely heavily on mine too, I do sometimes forget it in the lab after class, so be sure to keep a separate drive for personal information.

Theresa Schmitt

I do not use my phone while teaching so I put everything on my flash drive. It's quick to upload and I don't have to squint to see what I'm trying to do.

we don't really have any problems cause each classroom has it's own computer with all the stuff on it but we were given jump drives and that goes on my key chain so I can't leave the house without it.

I like emailing them to myself. So it will always be available. Students are not allowed to use phones in class, so I will not use my phone in class.

I like storing my info on my jump drive. I usually keep my drive with me along with my laptop. Recently I destroyed my drive and lost some valuable information but I had a lot of my information stored on the schools hard drive as backup.

It is hard to ignore the fact that we are using smartphones for more and more things, and this would qualify as one of them. I sometimes take picture of recipes or notes in order to keep them handy, and use my email to be able to access files anytime. Good point!

I load information on a jump drive I carry all the time. I don't use a smart phone so it is the alternative. Having a tablet and a laptop makes it easy for me.

I do the same with not just presentations but a lot of other materials.

It is amazing how far technology has come, the introduction of smart phones has released us from old paradigms.

This forum has been very helpful. I am preparing powerpoints weekly, so the option of creating presentations through Google Docs is going to be useful. Thanks for all the helpful tips.

I normally utilize a thumb drive or email the documents to myself, but I haven't tried my cell phone yet. Thank you for the tips.

I use flash drives for files. I find that does the best job for me.

I agree that's a great idea. I have my flash drive. But if I lose it what do I do. I always have smart phone with me.

This is a great idea; I've never thought of saving info on my phone! I have always emailed myself to ensure that the work is always accesible, but I will be adding this idea to my bag of tricks!

I store all mine on a jump drive that is on my key chain never leave without keys so it's always with me.

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