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Chat GPT, AI and Bots potential is in time and cost savings. This also allow for students to potentially utilize the experience in a more personal way.

This demonstrates the power of human intelligence that when joined together, we can innovate such a remarkable piece of technology. It's too bad that with that intelligence also comes the ability to completely destroy each other.

This was a great intro to the different types of AI, Open AI, and Chat GPT. I learned about the potential of AI in education, particularly around increasing access and personalizing the educational experience for students.

I learned a bit more about the emergence of AI and the different branches of AI. I had heard the terms "machine learning" and "OpenAI" before and had a general idea of what these were, but it was nice to learn a little more about the specifics and fill in some knowledge gaps.

I have learned the origins of AI, and how it has become so popular amongst people today, and that it still needs a lot of improvement to become more successful. 

I have learned new things about AI and subfields of AI and the benefits of using ChatGPT. 

This is a great introduction. I've been involved with AI for a little bit, so for me this was more of a review. I think everyone who is not in tune with AI could greatly benefit from learning this information.  My biggest concerns (with all technology) have always been the dangers, considerations, etc.  Will higher ed have a standard or guidelines? Can they - while AI is still in a huge growth mode?  "How do you catch a wave upon the sand?"

Ive leaned that ChatGPT is new and the potential uses are only being discovered. I would like to explore ways to utilize this AI to deliver lessons in customizable ways to compliment the students various learning styles.

The ChatGPT  its a great tool to have a base on a topic later to develop

I have learned the purpose behind he use of ChatGPT. 

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