I am a person who likes to try new things and I love the section I read about shifting your focus. Realizing that students learn in different ways and doing something about it is what teachers should be doing on a continuous basis. There is something new that can be learned everyday. However, when others who are not as opened minded about change try to discourage that teacher, what can a teacher do to stay excited and motivated about being a part of the students educational journey?
Barbara, please read the work of Dr David Lazear and his colleagues for a deeper look at all these approaches.
Michele Deck
I would first have to know who is trying to discourage the teacher. Is it a peer? It may be that they are afraid of change or fear that new ideas and methods of teaching may mean extra work for them.
I would share some of my success stories and let it be known I was available if anyone had questions.
I find that instructors must support each other at the workplace. We must seek out support for our classroom and our own emotional support within our group. That is what I do within my school system.
Donald, this is one of the advantages of working in a supportive school environment.
Michele Deck
I am much more excited about teaching than many of my colleagues. One of the best experiences of teaching is watching those students who struggled walk across the stage at graduation. Knowing that we helped them, were a part of that, is worth it. People think I'm corny when I say that but that's them. I like learning so I can give back better. We have restrictions, class size problems, technology issues, etc., but we can still teach, we have our mind and we have tools that don't cost anything. Our eyes, ears, mind is alive and we can find ways to reach out. Christa McAuliffe 1st civilian on the space shuttle said it well, "I touch the future, I teach.'
Find ways to engage the student as to what is interesting. Find out their learning style.