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Good point. We can "ad lib" in a face to face discussion. It will take us a little more time to do so in an online class.

Shelly Crider

I disagree because I think that any course can have many many changes and or revisions to make the course better.

Classes are constantly evolving. So I don't think one is necessarily faster than the other. Both online and traditional take time to actually go well.


I would disagree. There are components of an online course that need to be completed ahead of time and thus take more time to develop then an on-ground course on the front end. Having put together both types of courses I would probably state that one is not any more or less time consuming then the other on the front end. The same type of prep work needs to be completed maybe just in a little bit different of a format.

Dawn Huber

Good classes are prepared and organized whether on ground or online.

Shelly Crider

Dawn ,
A little prep work can give a lot of rewards!

Shelly Crider

I think it would take more time to develop an online course,because all the content must be written and may leave out some impromptu information, the instructor may add from personal experience, during a traditional lecture.

Yes, Fialishia, this is what I was trying to say. You did a much better job explaining it.

I think that the time can sometimes be equal if not more for an online course. However, that also depends on the online course and the school. Courses for SB are less time consuming than other schools for sure because the platform and the way that the information is presented is so much easier.

I think perhaps it will take longer to develop an online course to include topics and concepts that may come up in a traditional classroom discussion.

EL 101 Forum 3

The quick answer is no. Both classes take significant time to create. Now for the deep dive…
In an on-ground class, the instructor needs to create material to support a 3-4 hour class each week. The instructor can do this through lecture, PPT, discussion, role-play, simulations and group projects to name a few. The online classes have PPT, chats, discussion boards and overall the instructor might “work” more than 3-4 hours a week but not in front of a class.

When you do feel that some content has been left out, this is a good opportunity for a discussion question.

Shelly Crider

Content can make a difference. If your class uses more links, you will need to take the time to make sure all are working.

Shelly Crider

Current events and personal experience are great discussion topics.

Shelly Crider

If you are making PPT, and other files for your on ground class room, save them just in case you build an online class!

Shelly Crider

I completely agree with what David said. To develop a really good on-line course, the initial time may actually be greater than with a traditional class. However, if the course template is well built, the time involved in subsequent terms using that same template can be greatly reduced compared with a traditional class.


It takes additional time to develop an online course partly in fact due to the technology. Utilizing the technology to provide a rich and engaging learning environment takes more time and effort. If you’re utilizing video chat sessions with remote students, a little more time must be invested to provide a rich experience. You must ensure bandwidth is not an issue, the audio and video quality is there and the content renders well in the environment.

I think it takes just as much if not more time. I believe this because, as in emailing, when relying solely on the written word, there is no opportunity for vocal infection and immediate questions and answers.If not worded correctly many seemingly harmless comments/instructions/advice may "show-up" as offensive or insulting.

With technology changing/increasing, we do need to make sure what we use will work on our students computers.

Shelly Crider

Dean ,
This is so true! There are times when you can write detailed instructions but they may sound like orders that leave out any creativity.

Shelly Crider

Whether online or in the classroom I would need to spend the same amount of time preping for the class and being available to the student. As an instructor I find myself always learning more about my topic so I can share with my students.

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