Test Questions in this section
Taking the quiz for this section reminded me of how ambiguous test questions can be. There were multiple answers to one question, no specific directions.
Exactly. We like to throw frustration in as well to help you think outside the box. So what would have worked better?
Shelly Crider
This reminds me of what I hear my students say about the online quizzes...often. They get mad when the answers are not simply found in the reading one after another. I explain to them that I want them to think about what they read and try to produce the answers as opposed to simply letting them skim an article for the answers. I can understand the point, but I appreciated having to think about my answer. I work better finding my answers then I do listening to the course.
Critical thinking skills are a must to learn from a class as well!! Good point!
Shelly Crider
Test questions should not be ambiguous. In fact, based upon sound instructional design principles, test questions are developed entirely from the learning objectives and not from the content.
What's interesting in this course is there is no formative feedback. For an online course to be effective, and to facilitate the transfer of learning from short term memory to long term memory, the integration of formative feedback should be considered.
You write ambiguous questions and you will receive a lot of questions from students.....more work!
Shelly Crider
Indeed, if you really want long term goals for students formative feedback is the answer.
Shelly Crider
Thank God..I thought it was just me...I've not struggled like this on ANY quiz...and a computer glitch...OY!! Moving on...
I have to say that when I took the quiz, I thought, "I don't remember this being discussed in the presentation" and there were only 4 qualities given in the presentation so I hesitated in checking the last one...so I missed that one. I, too, like my students, want to find the answers directly in the reading or presentation. I remember in college only studying my notes taken in class and doing very well on tests. I have to admit the remaining questions were thought provoking...I believe I will be spending more than four hours on this course.
I had a class in college that a quarter of the test was on what was spoken in class....made you think!!
Shelly Crider