Gemma ,
Oh my goodness!!! Cheating ads on Craigslist. That is crazy!
Shelly Crider
They might cheat anywhere, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be concerned by it. I think instructors should be cognizant of this anytime they are grading work or have students in their sessions from the same home campus (my online students are from all over the US). I have had incidents of students uploading the wrong work, work from others, work for another class, and work that resembled that of another student. Some were just strange coincidences, but some caused legitimate concern.
This is why it is so important for online instructors to work closely with any on-campus support they have available. When I have had students hand in questionable work, I have contacted the online advocates to look into the history of the student's work, any other concerns, or anything else that can tell me that would help shed some light on whether the student cheated. I don't think it is easier or more difficult to prove that students cheat in an online or traditional classroom environment. But i do think it is our obligation to be aware of the possibility that cheating exists.
We should always be concerned about cheating in any classroom. I think the instructor being engaged and active in the classroom is the best way to minimize cheating and to discover cheating when it is occurring.
I disagree. I think we absolutely should be concerned with students cheating regardless of what learning environment we are in. I have taught online at two different schools and they both had very strict plagiarism policies and both utilized Turnitin. Despite this, I still had students that blatantly cheated. I wonder if we do a good enough job explaining why cheating is unacceptable. I know it seems like common sense to us but I don't think it is to our students.
Knowing how a student responds and viewing their previous work will help instructors know when they might be cheating.
Shelly Crider
Cheating in school leads to cheating at work. I do not want to take my taxes to an accountant who cheated!
Shelly Crider
Common sense it may be....but we all need to use common sense and stress it to our students as well!
Shelly Crider
I have to disagree. Cheating is not only against the school policies, but it is showing the learners that they do not have to complete the work. This is not only hurting the learners as they will not be able to do what is expected from them in the industry, but the institutions and then this will get passed around and anyone that graduates from the school can not do the work as they are not taught with the industry standards.
Oh no, cheating is CHEATING, by any means. It is not accepted & takes away from the student's sense of SELF. I go into detail about this issue on day one in class. It is part of the syllabus, their contract. They know not to engage in cheating. They are aware that it's like a job/career. If found to be cheating (stealing from the employer)they will be terminated (points taken away from the assignment or ZERO credit for the assignment.)
I think that cheating in an online class or a traditional class is entirely the same. I have actually had students cheat in an online class before. It is the same. They copied a project from each other and submitted it - both received a zero for their effort and were turned into their adviser just as if they were in a seated course.
Sandra Stuart
Plagiarism is a problem with written submissions as well as visual images. In design courses the instructor must confirm that visual works and submissions are original unless otherwise cited. While tools are available within the course platform to check written entries it is still up to the diligence of the instructor to check for plagiarized visuals.
Yes we should be concerned about students cheating in an online environment even if they may cheat in traditional classes. We should always be concerned about cheating
Cheating is cheating, regardless of the environment. Maintaining academic integrity is important to me as an instructor as well as to the institution itself.
Exactly....cheating hurts industry as much as student.
Shelly Crider
Cheating equals a zero....I like it!
Shelly Crider
Excellent example. If two are cheating, then two have to pay the price.
Shelly Crider
Then the instructor needs to make sure he/she explains what was plagiarized as many students have no clue.
Shelly Crider
If they are cheating in class.....what else might they be cheating on!
Shelly Crider
I treat cheating the same no matter the environment. Yes, cheating can happen anywhere, and yes it is easier in an online environment, however we have to be vigilant in stopping it. I always address the first cheat as a failure to comprehend. I explain what they did wrong and how to fix is. If it happens again I assume it is now intended and as such take the appropriate steps to handle it in the classroom setting.
I disagree. It really depends on the specific class, but when working towards something technical like programming or web development the opportunity for cheating is very real.
The one plus side to this is that you can usually tell what is above the students abilities and what isnt so paying a bit of attention and being vigilant can help you catch much of the cheating going on.