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unlimited answering in quizzed help the student with retention and feeling confident they know the reasons behind why it is the correct answer.

I've learned all the components of an online class.  Teachers must stay up-to-date on assignments and links.

I intend on applying the five different types of lecture format:  expository, suspensful answer, problem solving, case study, and interactive.

The importance of immediate feedback is something that I find interesting. I hope to implement it to help my students better understand where they went wrong in reasoning and help them to correct their thinking before it becomes ingrained.

Hi! I really liked the idea of incorporating activities/questions that promote critical thinking, problem solving and the application of content to the solution of real situations. Many times we instructors focus on having students explain content instead of using it. A pleasure to greet you from Cordoba, Argentina!

It was very informative to distinguish the different types of lectures, such as expository, suspenseful answer, problem-solving, case study, and interactive. I already use many of these strategies in my classes and plan to continue doing so in the future.

Syllabus comes from the Latin "to list" and "table of contents". This is helpful to remember to ensure that students have orderly information in their syllabus to clearly know class expectations.

Discussions can be synchronous or asynchronous, and both have benefits and drawbacks. 

Creating a thoughtful mix of learning activities and assessments.

Course components are essential elements that make up a well-structured and effective learning experience. Each component plays a specific role in facilitating student learning, engagement, and assessment.

Quizzes can be especially helpful for students to retain new material and reinforce their learning! 

Discussion posts allow students to learn from their peers in terminology and experiences that are unique. They also can get feedback from their peers on their posts.

Providing students with immediate feedback on their test responses is a good way to ensure correct information is evident and can be integrated into the students' thought processes.

Understanding the different lecture formats, providing clear assignment instructions, make sure the assignment are purposeful and relevant, provide feedback with quiz to ensure test will be successful

Each component of an online course is essential in creating a comprehensive and effective distance learning experience. Together, they form a complete learning puzzle

Online assignments need to be engaging. 

Proper alignment of discussion and lecture is important for student learning.  Additionally, assessments should be designed in a manner to demonstrate either comprehension of competency, based on the learning objectives.

There are different lecture formats to choose from.

An online lecture should not only mirror the key points of the in-class session but also provide clear guidance for learners. By structuring it as a roadmap, you can help students navigate the course more effectively and understand the sequence of learning activities. 

Aprendí a como seleccionar una tecnología adecuada para realizar la comunicación con los estudiantes  de un curso en línea, también como debe ser estructurado los contenidos del curso basados en un modelo de silabo, y finalmente, los métodos y estrategias de evaluación.

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