Communication and Trades | Origin: EL121
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Teaching Skills and Trades Online --> Communication and Trades
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Communication skills are priceless. Since I have been an instructor I feel I have grown exponentially in my ability to communicate with students, patients, and coworkers. I feel this is one of the most important skills for professionals to develop and hone as it will serve you in evry area of life.
Customer service and communication is a lot like teaching. The more knowledge and passion you have, the more confidence you will feel. The more confident you feel, the easier and cleaner your delivery will be. And somewhere in there, you actually have to care about people.
Communication and customer service go hand in hand in the work place. You can't have good customer service without good communication and vice versa. I would like to believe that I have developed both in all my years as an instructor and that my students have learned these by following my example.
Compehending what the customer is communicating to you is very important.
Communication is critical to any profession.
communication is essential !
Communication is key to success. Often times, students and instructors lack communication skills necessary to convey important information when in the online environment. It is imperative that the instructor have good communication skills in order to convey the appropriate message to students. This not only is required in written and verbal communication on the school work site, but also via email and other forms of private communication.
Communication is definitely something you here about a lot but most people tend to under value or under use it. Without communication, it becomes difficult to solve any problem.
The holistic approach summarizes well what the section is disucusing. This is very adaptable for my class in communication in a career college context and may help students understand the value as well as application of the course material.
Effective communication is vey important in all aspects of life. When individuals are able communicate effectively, there appears to be a strong presence of self confidence within the individual. He/she has to courage to express themselves and share ideas.
One of the things I teach often is touched on here. That is the concept of not making assumptions. While this one stated to not make assumptions about students, I often tell them to not assume the answer to a problem. If they feel that they can assume an answer (at this early stage in the career), it can breed complacency which will prevent them from seeking other possible avenues for a problem. I have seen this happen many times where a student assumed the answer to a problem and had a difficult time looking outside of that assumption for the answer.
Communication skills are key in these types of situations.
Communication is part of 'soft people' skills that sometimes get overlooked with more favor on content, concepts or skills. However, those soft people skils are what influences quality, efficiency, critical thinking to resolve problems and influences decision making so a win-win skill to have with being successful in what you do on the job and in life :-)
Communications and trades is very important to a self employed trades person or employee trades person. Communication can prevent injuries in the shop, productivity increases, and customer service is upgraded to have good relationships with customers and future business.
There are many areas of life-long learning associated with skilled trade workers that is just the same as any student attending a four year college.
Communication and customer service are important and go hand in hand. It is important to learn effective communication skills in order to solve problems.
Becoming a good communicator is important for the customer relationship
Customer service is a foundation skill that everyone needs to know.
No matter the trade quality customer service must be part of the training and execution of the skills taught.