Engaging Learners
I perceived this being one of the most challenging sessions, but after completing this session I learned some great techniques. I guess I thought this way because I am always in front of an auduience. It is great to know that you can engage your learners without being in their presence by implementing a couples of easy stategies.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, Andrea. Give it a try. Many instructors new to teaching online have had similar concerns raised by some participants in this course; however, after teaching for w while they were able to make a comfortable transition.
I am also new at online teaching. I appreciate the suggestions of learning styles as well. I do teach in the traditional classroom as well and could definitely see the styles mentioned in so many of my students. I am looking forward to seeing it in my online students as well.
My question is-- do you have any other suggestions that were not mentioned in the lesson that new instructors could implement in their online classes?
Hi Crystal, I may have mentioned this before, but I have online students (just as in the on ground environment)write and submit their expectations for the course; then we I cover the learning objectives, I can refer to the expectations for matches(there are always matches), hence the course is somewhat customized - this is great for online students, because the whole online environment is very adaptable to customization and personalization if we use the available technological resources.
Additionally, I have students keep an online learning journal to capture important points, relevances, workplace applications and questions as the course proceeds.
Jay Hollowell
EL102 Guest Facilitator
I taught online and then live classrooms so it was a learning process for me to do live classes.
I have found to be as interactive as possible in my online classes to make myself visible to the students.
Any ideas on how to get students to "show up" for a chat in the first place? At my online school, chat sessions are not mandatory and are recorded so that students can access them at their convenience. However, this past session, with my MBA class, no one generally showed up for the chats. Pointing out that the chats are geared to the week's assignments helped--one person showed up.
That is a good question. I think demonstrating to students how participating in the chat will assist them in completing their week's assignments is a good idea. Also having students that did participate in the chat session share with the other students the benefits of attending the chats might be another thing that can be done.