How Important it is to be able to mange your classrom & be supportive to your students
It's important that your students know what you bring in terms of your experiences that can possible help them learn and be able to apply that knowledge.
The instructor-student relationship is critical in the online environment. Frequent, meaningful interaction that is student specific can build trust, rapport and support student engagement.
Adding a personal touch to online education opens a building trust with students
Projecting your presence is important to online students, as it gives them a better sense of the instructor's qualifications and to see them as a person. The instructor-student connection is important to their investment in the class and to participation.
I learned that you can still have a relationship with each of your students while holing the courses online. I still instruct to each of their strengths from the computer
On line is challenging as you have to get to know your audience by their ability to project themselves via writing. Student bio's is a great introduction on what type of writing skills to expect from each student in the on line classroom.
This course has given me insight into what students will want from an online instructor. Being intentional and aware of each student's learning will make the course a better experience. I have made a checklist of the recommended ways to manage asynchronous discussions. I also made a list of what a synchronous discussion will need. This has been what I needed to move forward with confidence.
This module clearly articulated the importance of projecting your authority and influence as an online instructor in order to build confidence and trust with your students.
A great way to project your presence is to let your students know about your credentials, but also let them know about some things related to your career where you have made a difference in the lives of others. This can go a long way to humanize you to your students.
Make it a personal experience with students to create an open and positive learning envrionment. By allowing them to see who you are gives them a connection to the faculty.
I learned how important it is to be relational and get to know your students even from behind the computer screen.