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A good way to keep students engaged in the online setting is to keep the discussion board active and current. 

Provide and obtain feedback is very important to develop a good support plan for each student.

Making it a habit to be interactive during the discussions will help student feel like it's more of a real life conversation.

Focusing on one-on-one synchronous discussion can help maintain clarity and participation levels

There are different learning styles that instructors should be aware of. Avoidant students can become overwhelmed and dependent students must be told what to do and how to do it. Also, feedback is crucial in an e-learning setting. Instructors must be mindful of non-verbal feedback; use constructive criticism when necessary but always provide feedback in a way that encourages future participation. 

I was surprised to learn that the bulk of the online instruction should be asynchronous.  I would have thought that synchronous was the primary.  I also will spend more time responding to individuals via email, instead of in class.  

I really enjoyed the distinction between asynchronous, and synchronous discussions.  This also applies to in person learning, a lot of teachers while teaching employ a synchronous discussion with the entire class, which isn't the most effective method.  The same disadvatages shared with the synchronous discusison such as the students that are slower will not be able to keep up, and will also apply with in an inperson lecture.

I learned that it is important early on to identify the learning styles that could keep students from participating. The avoidant students seems to be disinterested and do not communicate well with the instructor or other students. The dependent students are the ones that may have a hard time thinking and reasoning for themselves and rely on the instructor or their peers. The competitive student is the one that I really had to think about. It is the student that acts as though they know better than everyone else even if they are wrong. This can cause other students to shy away from the discussion. 

All students learn in different ways. This should be taken into consideration when teaching online as well as in the classroom. When teaching online, assignments should be given that can be completed by all students. Some students may feel shy and small groups can help with this. Another thing to consider are the potential different time zones that students may be in. Live chats may be difficult for all to attend at a certain time. If holding these or office hours, notice should be given well ahead of time. 

Requesting feedback during the course is essential in determining if what is leaned has been grasped.  Instructors may feel vulnerable by asking the students if their is anything the Instructor is doing that makes a Student uncomfortable. Not all students learn in the same manner and Instructors may need to adjust their teachings to ensure All students are understanding the curriculum.  Discussion forums are essential for students to feel connected to one another.  Also, understanding the various types of learners and the personality traits they display in this type of learning atmosphere. 

Teaching is challenging, but teaching online courses is even more difficult, in my opinion. One of the obstacles to connecting with the students is to get them involved in discussions. 

Asynchronous and synchronous discussions are different. In this module, I learned about synchronous discussions which are the ones that are done in real time. 

Since not all our students dominate technology or are fast typing we need to help them by identifying them and creating opportunities for them to participate and encourage them.

Students can feel a sense of disconnection to online learning if there is no face to face interaction. 

I really enjoyed learning more about the various types of student learners regarding Avoidant, Competitive and Dependent styles. Over my almost 20 years of teaching online, I have had all of these types of students in my courses. I plan to use the tips discussed in this module (especially for the shy and anxious students) to help me continue to provide a comfortable and engaging course community environment. I also liked the module area on the details for both types of discussion boards. I have mainly experienced the asynchronous discussion board throughout the years. I can definitely see how the synchronous discussion could be so challenging. I also really like the information in this module on feedback suggestions. My favorite module tips that I reviewed and plan to use more of are regarding: wording feedback to build confidence and using the correct tone to avoid hurting their dignity, etc.


Use asynchronous discussions for important course content and synchronous discussions for small groups.

I have learned that I should send students emails asking them how the course is going and if there is anything I am doing that they don't like.

The thing I really enjoyed learning about asynchronous learning is that it allows learners time to review online materials until they completely understand key concepts.

I learned that Asynchronous discussions work best for students. 

It is important to understand every student learns differently and it’s important to utilize Asynchronus a Synchronous discussions at the allotted moments. 

Is is important to give students the chance to test and demonstrate what they are learning. They get good feedback.

The use of asynchronous vs synchronous discussion techniques, and how each can support and encourage student learning.

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