I will begin by identifying the areas where a formative assessment can be applied. After doing so I can create the assessment and administer it using a S2I communication system. Summative assessment are easily implemented using the curriculum. Adding instant feedback for the summative assessments will be mandatory in the future programs I am a part of.
Assessment should be focused on as a tool for learning and understanding where students are rather than any type of punitive resource. Feedback is the most important way to establish this relationship with students and further develop effective assessment.
I learned how to do a rubic
I do believe that feedback is important. I will do written feedback but then I will verbally go over the written feedback with them. This gives them the opportunity to ask questions.
Feedback to your students is very important so they can improve upon what they have done.
Providing feedback is important in a online class
Feedback plays a vital role in the learning process, and students can benefit from various forms of feedback. Rubrics, in particular, serve as valuable tools for both instructors and learners. For instructors, rubrics provide a consistent framework for assessing student work, ensuring that all students are evaluated according to the same criteria. This promotes fairness and reduces the potential for bias in grading.
From the students' perspective, rubrics offer clear insight into their performance. By outlining the specific expectations and standards for an assignment, rubrics help students understand what they have done well and where they need to improve. This targeted feedback enables learners to identify their strengths and weaknesses, fostering a growth mindset and encouraging them to take ownership of their learning.
Learning how the feedback provided to students can help encourage their learning and provide areas of improvement in a way to encourage the students.
Immediate feedback gives students understanding regarding lesson objectives
I thought it was interesting how they incorporated self assessments into a rubric. We often don't have time for this in a lab setting.
I really have no experience, other than as a student, with rubrics and so that information was especially helpful for me. I look forward to the opportunity to try them out and see how they will work for me when the next group of students come in. I completely see how that transparency can not only save some conversations about grading and grades but also give the students a clear and concise idea of what the assignment is about and the criteria used to evaluate it.
Giving substantial feedback is important so students know where they stand in the course. (And offering individualized feedback conveys to the student that we are taking the time to closely read over their work.)
I really like the discussion on how rubrics should provide students with more details than simply the point values. Rather, the rubric should help quantify the kinds of content they should include in order to earn full credit.
Feedback is so important for students to revisit their prior learning in a meaningful and instructive way.
I give feedback that is always concept centric.
Individualized and timely feedback are important.
Importance of variety of feedback ways for impaired
I liked the concept of exit tickets. It is an easy technique to see whether the learners are having any issues prior to a summative assessment.
I understand the importance of effective assessments as well as meaningful feedback and how these lead to better learning outcomes.
Ive learned that feedback is not only nice ot have but necessary in order for myself ot become a better instructor but also help guide my students. Using such tools as a rubric to show what is expected and how everything will be graded