Focusing on prior knowledge is essential to achieving scaffolding. Coming at a level too high above students can quickly make them feel isolated and discouraged and coming in at a low level can leave them feeling bored and unengaged. Finding the balance is difficult in a classroom setting but is essential for success.
I learned about scaffolding and the importance of communication and an online community.
I will begin by identifying an avenue for the students to be able to communicate with the instructors individually and as a group. This will be defined in the syllabus so future issues will be mitigated. Using a scaffolding approach, I will identify subjects in the Syllabi that will allow for assignments to build on one another.
The use of scaffolding helps students to build off of foundational or introductory material.
I disagree with the concept of dynamic syllabus. A syllabus is identified quite correctly as the overall blueprint of the course, including all of the details, expectations and so forth. The syllabus should be in place at the beginning of the course, and serve as the resource to adjudicate any questions about the course as it unfolds. If we change the expectation or the policies of the course after it has started by changing the syllabus, that leaves us open to grievance and or lawsuit. I believe the term bait and switch may apply here. The syllabus should remain intact from day one through the end of the course, and if necessary it can be changed next semester.
I don't use scaffolding much in my course. Although, I can see where it helps as I do teach 3 Research courses. I can see how I can use this, since each Research scaffolds upon the next. So I might want to have further thoughts on how to do this.
I so appreciate being able to learn more about this subject and its implementation with my classes.
Hello everyone,
What I learned from this session is the importance on having a constructive syllabus that can guide students on their online learning. Also. learning different online tools is necessary to better guide students is a must to ensure their success.
E-learning should include building a community where students feel supported. It is easy to feel alone when taking online courses, so the instructor should help to facilitate peer interactions.
Allowing students to use an alias may improve participation in online communities. I'm not sure if that is possible in Canvas?
I really liked that idea to periodically obtain student feedback by asking three simple questions: What should we stop doing in this course?/What should we start doing in this course? /What should we continue doing in this course?
Scaffolding is crucial for adult learner success. The syllabus is one of the most essential pieces in an online course as it is a roadmap for students and instructors to follow. It should be detailed enough for students to understand without explanation. I'd like to review the syllabus in my current class and ensure it matches the course (application of knowledge).
The most important concept for me in this module is scaffolding. Scaffolding builds upon prior knowledge, experience, and skills. Some students may need extra support to ensure they have concepts prior to moving to the next level of the "scaffold."
A clear and concise syllabus is very important. Scaffolding helps students to build on prior knowledge and both are essential in a well-rounded education.
I have learned that students need many resources for online courses, and should feel a part of a learning community.
The website tools available to use were helpful in allowing for different types of learning