Students need to be more involved in their learning. That allows them to engage more in their studies. They don't like to be lectured at.
Comment on Eileen Epsaro's post: I really appreciate the R2D2 approach and intend on using it in my future endevours.
online learning/Active learning is a fairly new strategy for post secondary education. It offers the students space and freedom to be accountable for their own learning, environments, and outcomes
The thing that stuck out to me was the importance of self-reflection for both the instructor and the students.
I learned that some instructors feel that education should not necessarily be fun for the students and model that teaching behavior to their students. The learner-centered approach to student learning has been a change in education. This approach keeps the control of the learning environment with the instructor but the ultimate responsibility of the learning with the student.
In active learning the responsibility of the learning is with the student. Teachers should move from the "Sage on the stage" to having students take responsibilities of their learning. Students must read, write, discuss, reflect or be engaged in problem solving with the instructor being the facilitator.
Inmy current course the students must memorize the skeleton and muscles- I will try small group peer teaching for this to more actively engage them
On-line learning has many challenges and one of them is student engagement. This course has helped me to identify some areas in which I can improve my on-line teaching. On major part is that the students should interact with me more to improve their education journey.
Using Active Learning as a way to enhance comprehension and retention of information serves to enrich the learning process. Having students engage through learner-centered activities can also help with student satisfaction and retention.
active learning is a student centered approach to learning and can be applied in all types of classrooms.
The importance of online learning is giving and alternative to students in a busy life. Adult learners especially have it hard to go to a brick-and-mortar environment while trying to improve on one's level of education and training. During the pandemic, I taught high school medical careers and body systems and the students were never used to the learning environment. Teacher's had to quickly integrate google classroom or canvas to broaden the experience and whether you are on zoom or google meet there is an opportunity to see everyone's face and break out. I loved to do slam chats on a topic to review and it was fun to see the students engage well. Mentimeter also is a visual way to check in with active learning as well. Core elements involve various ways for each student to take control and responsibility of their own learning. Some of those core elements are teamwork, individualism, reflection and communication.
Active learning is anything that the student does in a classroom envirnment other than lecture time. During this time using different techniques and switching it up is a good way to make sure everyone stays engaged and interested.
I have learned that it is better to be the "guide on the side" rather than the "sage on the stage". Students learn more and retain the information better when they are responsible for their own learning. I also like learning the difference between collaborative (graded as group) and cooperative learning (graded individually).
Active learning makes students take responsibility for their own learning. I think this is important because as instructors we model everything for them and are here for guidance but ultimately it is up to them to do what they are supposed to. They are not simply coming to an instructor for an answer. Active learning also allows for instructors to obtain feedback from a development team to assist with curriculum revisions.
Our students tend to do better with active learning as they are actively involved in their own learning. As instructors, we need to transition to the role of provider of knowledge and lecturer to the one of facilitator and coach. We need to allow students to work together, self-reflect, do their own research and learning.
I am new to online learning. I big takeaway for me is placing the responsibility of learning in the hands of the student. To not force feed them information but rather give them tools to find the answers themselves in order to facilitate independent thinking.
I need to always remember that " The core element of active learning activities are that students must read, write, discuss, reflect or be engaged in the problem solving.
Active learning requires student learning where the instructor is more of a facilitator and guide. This type of learning is more accepted by students who are younger (born after 1994) and keeps students more engaged. This learning places more responsibility on the learner.
Online learning requires active participation and learning strategies to engage learners. It is important to incorporate elements of adult learning theory to ensure we are providing curriculum that enhances learning.