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WLMS for Teaching Online | Origin: EL112

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Workload Management Strategies for Teaching Online --> WLMS for Teaching Online

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Planning and staying on track with organization will ensure that you and your students are on the same page and understand the assignments mutually. Time management is a very important aspect to classroom management being effective. 

Planning a schedule and managing student expectations is important. I like the suggestion of virtual office hours so that students have a time frame in which they can connect with an instructor. Also providing information about email and grade turn around time helps to manage their expectations and decrease emails the instructor gets.

Our greatest asset is time.  What we save from wasting is reserved for living. 

Planning is the biggest key to stay organized.  To help the students and yourself stay on track; keeping in mind to stay flexible when needed. 

I like the way this module presents the challenges we face as online instructors and the advises it offers to confront these challenges. Organization is key to reduce workload for both students and instructors. Managing administrative tasks effectively may not only assure a smooth course operation, but also enhance the social presence of the instructor. 

The time management skills shared here have been helpful. I like the focus on planning course material and setting up ahead. I think I will be crafting a routine for consistently sticking to tasks over time. 

It is good to remember that "when the social presence is, interaction is also low." And when this happens, the relationship between the instructor and students suffers. Keep engaging! 


Some of the things that come us is prioritization, planning, time management, and collaboration.


Schedule time for checking email, grading papers, providing feedback- even though the course is available 24/7 you do not have to be. Make students aware of your schedule at the beginning of the course and stick to it to help prevent "work overload".

Set aside time to complete tasks specific for your course.

Planning is the key to online teaching. Prioritizing teaching and life is important. Instructors need to set up the time frame for work and communicate it to students is a strategy to manage workload.

Work / life balance is so very important, in order not to get burned out.  Time management skills should be implemented to prevent this.

I look forward to learning more about this topic.

I am excited by the idea of refining my course templates to further streamline my workload moving forward; there are some great tips here!

It is important to have a structured workday that is planned during times that are less likely to interfere with the instructor's concentration and progress but also important to establish boundaries and to explain those boundaries to students and stick to them.

I tend to be "available" at all hours except when I am actually sleeping, which the students appreciate, but it does create expectations that I will always respond quickly at any time of the day or night. I need to establish a set time period and stick to it.

A well structured course can reduce student and instructor stress, which creates a more conducive learning environment. Successful course design starts with a plan and includes several executions for fine tuning and modification. 

Utilizing a template. 

I live on the and that brings along a lot of distractions. I close the blinds.

Giving clear directions and objectives. Instructor presence is very important.

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