Other than type of communication, consistency in communication is critical to student's success.
I like the grading rubic at the end of session for disscussion board.
i learned to set boundaries for emails and respose times
Establishing guidelines for methods of communication is important, S2I, I2S, S2S. using email, text, and informing students the time frame to expect a reply to these communication process.
I have learned that good communicqation between myself and my students is essencial to an online course. Also ther code of conduct section was very informative.
I think the key takeaway from this module is the need to establish communication guidelines, standards, and expectations. Without this and a rubric to outline those expecations then the students will be all over the place with their communications.
Communication expectations are important to define and layout for students. If you expect something specific of them, this should be laid out and examples given. This is especially important in discussion board communication.
I have learned that studnets need to have consistency in expectations and communication patterns. This allows them to learn how to interact and ask questions and work with one another.
It has become clear that in the past, I may have taken for granted that all students read the school catalog and the blurb in each course syllabus about professional language and communication. In the future, it is important to clarify and model what good communication looks like more specifically. Ex. not using all caps, explaining proper netiquette and effective use of punctuation. These skills are crucial to the student's development and skills that will no doubt be helpful in their professional careers.
Rules and guidelines are so important when dealing with online instuction. Students need to know what is appropriate and that if they do not follow the rule and guideliines, there will be consequences.
Including specific feedback on what participation looks like online is helpful. Bridging that with clear 'neticate' will foster a productive and enriched learning environment.
Establishing a pattern of communication at the beginning of the course will help in communication with I2S, S2I, and S2S. Alzo avoiding the use of All CAPS! Im learning!
The rules and regulation regarding proper communication should be clearly defined. The syllabus or handbook is an excellent resource to outline the expectations as well as the consequences. Civility among learners is important as language and tone defines the environment. A key take away is for the instructor to reiterate policies and procedures regarding communication civility.
I like the Rubric created for managing student communication over different media. This module has given me some ideas for monitoring and managing my discussion boards in my on-line classrooms.
It's important to make a "Code of Conduct" in your syllabus. You need to set up what the rule are for your online class and what the consequences will be if you break any of those rules. The "Code of Conduct" will also help the students communicate more effectively with each other and with the instructor.
I found this information to be very helpful. I learned that establishing the Communication Code rules and etiquette early on in the class helps to maintain civil and respectful communication between instructor, student and student to student as well. Keeping communication civil, respectful and professional benefits the whole class.
Good communication skills are very important to have and communicating in a classroom is different than communicating in an online class. This section has a lot of great information for communicating with your students and co-workers online.
I gained the importance of content-related communication, process-related communication and feedback, being consistent with communication. Last setting guidelines, boundaries and examples of communication styles, so all feel safe and heard.
Seems simple, but thinking through this process is so important. In reality, this kind of communication helps to ensure that all students have even access to instructors the time and can develop an appropriate connection to the instructor. Additionally, guidelines that are created assist the evenness of student engagement with each other or in group projects.
Great reminder to establish expectations as a way to head off problems down the road.