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A rubric is a great tool for being constant with grading student work. 

Rubricks help me look at students work and assign grades much more easily and fair accross the board.

Consulting your rubric when giving feedback informs consistent, accurate, and applicable feedback.

Just because they are online does not mean they are not in tthe class room.

collaboartion is key because your students and you are brainstorming to find a common ground that works


Communication and collaborlation are important to on line learning.  



The first thing we need to do as instructors are to clearly outline the expectations for communications, especially how discussion board posts should crafted.  That would include both the initial response as well as participation posts with the instructor and other students.  While the module states the instructor should not post too much, I believe to get the conversation moving it requires intervention by the instructor to facilitate and throw out ideas for discussion.  I have seen limited online discussion in courses ranging from the 100 level courses at the undergraduate level to doctoral level courses.  It seems without clear expectations and an active guide many students will do the minimum regardless of their educational level.  Another good point is the need for the instructor to model proper behavior and how the communiques should be crafted.

Providing the criteria and rubric ahead of time will ensure the students understand what is expected of them. This should be used consistently throughout the term and measure a student's progress.


I learned that over a rubrics makes it easier to asses and review assignments and allows us to give feedback to our students.


In the portion of the course, I learned that it is best to be a facilitator of learning at times as well as facilitating the course content. This portion is describing how crucial the timing and content of instructor responses are to discussion boards. I have experienced that if I give away the "punchline" too early, many of the students who have not responded will give very similar responses. I have since tailored my response to be encouraging and to ask questions to keep the discussion going without giving an outright message of correct vs. not correct right away. I also have been pleasantly surprised at how cohorts have become a community through these discussion boards and this trust spills out in to the live sessions. 


Communication is important, but also teachers need to monitor conversations, posts and other items posted to ensure they are within the code of conduct and on topic. 

I will be preparing a rubric for Clinical preparedness. Students will know what the objectives and expectations are beforehand rather than coming into clinicals blindly. Being specific and clear about the objectives and what the evaluation will entail.


I think I'll apply creating multiple discussion boards so students won't have to scroll through endless messages. This will help with organization on my end for grading purposes, but also for the student to jump ahead and access specific topics. 


The instructor should monitor the online dialogue regularly and consistently. The interactions between participants should be analyzed and all learners should be encouraged to participate. Key points should be highlighted, and the dialogue is to be mainstreamed and focused.  The instructor should close and summarize each discussion respectively. Take away from this module: Monitoring of the thread decreases the risk of minimum discussion or dialogue that is unfocused.

I learned that Rubrics are essential tools that should be developed by the instructor and given to students in advance of the due date for the project or assignment so students have an objective measeure of the expectations for the project or outcome.


I have learned some of the indicators of online learning is for students to communicate not only on an academiclevel, but on a personal level. Working together towards the goals of the course is what they are "supposed" to be doing. It is imperative to have guidelines for students to understand what is expected of them and what types of behaviors are prohibited. Having Clear expectations statement will offer  students with set of rules and regulations as a valuable directive. Because, Sometimes they talk about their personal lives (families, hobbies, jobs), their triumphs and trials with being adistance student (scheduling, technical problems, disagreement with pedagogy), when they seek each other's counselfor other areas of their life (job change, which elective course to take next, family issues), this is the point at which wefeel they are comfortable as a community. This is not to say we will become best friends.   But to have guidelines for them to follow will help students to be on track.


Rubrics are another form of communication, with define guidelines and boundaries for students to 

review when summiting assignments. 


Communication and Collaboration as necessary complementary elements is a new goal for me. Within course, the potential weakness of communicating facts onto a discussion board and often getting limited feedback can be improved by collaboration which encourages knowledge generation and negotiation for consensus.


Heading off problems before they occur with planning. 

Using rubrics creates consistency in feedback and grading. When I've led a discussion thread, I will monitor and wait a few days to allow students to conversate amongst themselves and then add my commentary to further the discussion. 

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