Time management is an important skill when dealing with the online learning space. It is helpful for an instructor to provide "tips and tricks" for keeping up with the work load and successfully navigating the assignment schedule.
Allowing students to work at their own pace can be both good and bad
The Seven Principles of Learning is a useful framework for understanding how best to lead and coach students for success in the online learning environment. Emphasizing the importance of time allocation and management is also key to students' ability to learn and accomplish coursework in a timely manner.
Explain the use of time in context with course content and this will help students with time management.
I hadn't used the 7 Principles for Learning since grad school -- I most appreciated your depiction of this from both the instructor's and the student's perspective.
Principles of learning and student goals are intertwined
Teachers and students together need to make the effort to have success. These principles lay out the foundation for the course. Also keeping in mind that there is a professionalism called Netiquette "Respect", so each student understands common courtesy and behavior in the online environment. Another very important skill is time management and avoiding the pitfalls that students have over time.
I think goal setting is so important!
Remembering the 7 principles of learning is essential in online success. It helps maintain good communication and remind everyone to be respectful to one another.
this is a great list of dos for teaching, stating expectations, recognizing differences, being proactive and timely, are all helpful theories for teaching, also establishing roles for both the teacher and students with the same principles sets the class up for success.
Guidelines from the student’s perspective and the guidelines for a online instructor is what i took away from this module.
When establishing a goal, make sure that the goal is detailed, measurable and realistic and achievable through measurable steps. Teach Netiquette to your students!
I appreciate the idea of finding ways to get students to think about what might be stopping them from achieving their goals as well as what they can do better to help them achieve those goals. End-of-unit surveys would be great places for this sort of introspection and intervention.
Emphasize the importance of being prepared for learning. Allow adequate time to study and review. Prepare the students to organize and time management to succeed.
Successful online learning techniques includes the seven principles stated in the module: Encourage contact with instructor and students, Develop reciprocity & cooperation, Encourage active learning, Give prompt feedback, Discuss the appropriate "time on task," Promote high expectations, and Encourage respect for all individuals.
Online learning can be successful if students and instructors are working together. Students need to communicate their needs or questions and instructors needs to respond in a timely manner. Students need to understand their roadblocks, such as time management or schedule while instructors need to respect the time students have available.
It is a good thing and bad thing to give students the opportunity to work independently
Trying to set students up for success.
-Help them develop good study habits
-Being aware of distractions
-7 learning principals was helpful
I learned the term netiquette in this module. Teaching students to have professionalism on and off the internet is important. Maintaining respect by not replying to discussion posts in a reactive way, but in a constructive and controlled way.
It is imperative that students be realistic about online learning and avoid procrastination and other bad habits that will ultimately derail their success
Some students do well with learning at their own pace, others need more guidance. It is important to find a happy medium.