The information on blogging, how to go about setting one up was good information.
Blogs are set-up like conventional websites, with navigation links and other standard website features. A blog is different from a typical website in that the primary content is comprised of a periodic posting. Blog postings are text entries, like a diary or journal, which include a posting date. Blogs are hard to perfectly define, segmented concept of online information sharing.
The content and number of posts should be part of the assessment. Students should be given the rubric up front so they know the grading criteria.
One of the most umique tools in online classes is blogging.
I have learning that bloggin can be used in many differnt ways, And can be a great tool for our online learning platform.
Blogging is a great way to keep students enganged in the course work, give them control over information they share, and allow them to connect with the material more.
Will meetwith my students tonifght to get their input on sing blogs to improve lesrning.
Blogging allows students to write openly.
Blogging can be a good place for students to create a sort of online portfolio and record of their work over time. I like the idea/possiblity of using this in my art classes.
I've found blogging to be helpful as a student because it helped me reflect on what I've learned in a course. Additionally, I was able to create a digital portfolio from my posts at the end of the term.
I learned expectations should be put in place to help the online atmosphere.
Blogging allows students to voice their opinions and view the opinions of others. This leads to team work and great brain storming.
I am coming to the fact that blogging can be a great learning tool for the student and the teacher.
Blogging is a great collaboration tool! I've implemeted blogging into lesson for years. Students find it as a way to "informally" complete the task when in actuality you are creating a "formal'' lesson for them.
As a blogging teacher, it is an ideal tool to stay informed, force yourself to create constant communication with your students, seeking that the teaching is active, recent and that encourages the reader to create two-way communication.
Blogging can be used in a variety of ways, that align with traditional F2F Assessments. Blogging allows students to post their responses, get feedback from their peers and continue to interact in an Online Learning Community.
Bloggin as a collaborative tool with students is amazing. I will include it on my next course.
Bogging can be very beneficial to an online class. I appreciate the two rubrics to see the development of the students.
I learned what blogging is, the purposes of blogging, some policies used in blogging, and some suggested activities in blogging. I will try to incorporate blogging into my classroom. I know I have to have a specific purpose then make sure the students are able to logon to my blog. Once I have my blog set up I will choose my questions carefully to illicit a certain response.
Blogs are great to get the students to think creatively and think out side of the box. Get their thoughts & feelings out. They may also provide good learning & organizational tools for future projects.