We are so used to the traditional methods of communicating, so it is good to realise the different communiction styles of the generations. it definitely closes the 'gap' :-)
I enjoyed reading about the average profile of the generations but overall, I found the communication exercise to be a bit black and white when really, communication is driven by the individual. I thought the questions were a bad example of testing our knowledge here.
How to communicate effectively with the different generations
I learned the different ways to commumnicate the different types of people. I guess i would be a Gen Z i rather text and email then talk on the phone.
Reply to Kawasi Sipp's post: I didn't realize that each generation had their preference.
It is intersting the different types of learning skills and communications skills.
I have learned how to effectively communication wtih the different generations. When being responsible for outreach, I think it is important to keep in mind different generations have different preferences. Understanding the "why" behind this, helps you remember which platform to utilize.
It is important to determine which generation you are speaking to as to determine the most effective method of communicaiton. Older generations prefer phone calls or emails, where as younger generations prefer emails or text messages.
It is interesting to see how learning communication preferences are integral in getting information across to different generations. its nice to know where to start with some students.
It's important to ask good questions and not make assumptions or have bias when speaking to different people.
I do think the quiz was weird. And I don't know how many professional institutions are sending twitter alerts to people to get in touch with them.
I've personally experienced phone vs text preferences in generations and agree with most of the characterizations here. I find it's best to simply ask - would you prefer call or text.
I have learned how to deal with different gernerations.
Match your communication style to the preferences of the student
I have figured out the different ways that each generation likes to communicate so that I can implement it when speaking with potential students.
It's important to consider others' preference of communication over your own.
Understanding generational differences can positively help the Admissions to provide the right approach and service for them.
Comment on Kimberly Taylor's post: many generations thanks to technology do prefer a text first. Baby-boomers are more likely to want a phone call instead
It is certainly interesting seeing the different communication styles and how certain things work for certain generations.
Some Baby boomers are actually great in current technologies now.
To improve communication between generations, recognizing and understanding the preferences of others.