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The Critical Elements Necessary for Success: Attitude | Origin: AD113

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Managing Your Attitude and Energy to Maximize Your Effectiveness --> The Critical Elements Necessary for Success: Attitude

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Attitude plays a crucial role in your personal and professional life. It not only affects you but also those around you. You are responsible for you own attitude so it's important to be paying attention to it and making a conscious effort to exude a positive attitude. 

Attitude plays a vital role not only in your personal life but in your professional life as well. It affects everyone around you.  Your attitude and performance could have long-term effects on your students and those you work with.  So, having a positive attitude will make a significant impact.  I will work on improving my attitude daily so that I do not have a negative effect on anyone.

A positive attitude can motivate both students and colleagues to perform at their best.

The importance of having a positive attitude. How it can define your overall effectiveness.

Your attitude is the thing that will have the most impact on the people you interact with and yourself. It can impact everything from your physical health, your effectiveness, and every other person you communicate with. 

A positive attitude is the key to your success; you have a choice to develop and use your skills consistently, to the best of your ability, with each and every interaction.

Attitude not only change others attitude but it makes you day better to check yourself with a positive attitude

So far I have learned the four components of attitude and intend to use them moving forward

In my opinion, attitude is really important and affects students greatly.

This section was a great reminder that my attitude not only can impact the trajectory of my life but that of people who spend time around me. I hadn't previously considered the magnitude of this fact. 

Our attitudes make or break us, it is so important to give it your all to better serve everyone around you.  If you think of it this way - A positive attitude equals a positive outcome - I think that holds true for everything we do!

Attitude is vital in a group setting among peers, and students.

A positive attitude can set an example for everyone around you. It is highly contagious. If we show our students that we enjoy what we are doing and we are there to help and encourage them, it can make a huge impact on them. Sometimes just having someone smile and say "You can do this" is all the student needs to move forward. 

 Your attitude affects everyone around you. If you want to work in a positive, uplifting environment then you have to contribute positive energy. It is also to keep positive interactions with the customers/students coming into your business/school so they will want to continue to do business with you. 

I learned that attitude is divided into four components: affective, cognitive, conative, and evaluative

I have learned how attitude can play a major role not just in your workplace but also your life. 

Attitude is everything. Maintaining a positive attitude will set the tone for your customer/student. You must "sell" or "promote" yourself and your energy before you can successfully sell a product or a service. 

Your attitude affects more than just yourself. It can improve your co-workers attitudes and the students' attitudes. 

This section acted as a refresher. We realize the importance of attitude but appreciate being reminded of the impact a positive attitude has on fellow team members and prospective and current students. 

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