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Mastering Inbound and Outbound Communication | Origin: AD114

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Adapting Your Communication for Successful Connections --> Mastering Inbound and Outbound Communication

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The communication hierarchy is useful to help that you do not jump stages which could make students less open and communicative. Even though it was originally intended for marriage counseling it is just as helpful in the admissions process. 

Building a relationship with your students is key. 

So important to build mutual interest before jumping to opinions in the communication hierarchy! 

I really enjoyed the Communication Hierarchy, I can see how that can be a really useful tool with literally any communication.


This section was a pretty straight-forward read. One of my main takeaways is just to 'have' a process of communication to eventually build trust in. 

Take notes, be persistent and don't give up

The communication hierarchy may have originally been designed for marriage counseling, but it is an effective tool for an admission's rep as they communicate with a prospect.

Following the Communication Hierachy allows you to build up rapport and allows you to effectively reach your prospects. 

Communication is the best tool in the sales process. Hierarchy can best be described as a communication tool that provides a formula for the steps one must move through for effective communication.

A connection is the most important point in the sales process. If here is no connection, the prospect student will go to another institution. Building a mutual interest is the most important step to form this connection.
If you pay attention to the person and basically get to know better who you are talking to, you'll be able to create a "roadmap" on what has to be done for the connection with this specific person to be formed.

The idea behind creating a sense of personalization, yet factual is what intrigued me. I believe that communication with students should address their concerns, or questions, while also ensuring the academic necessities as well. I found through these readings that students are entitled to feel like they matter individually, not on a scale of multiple students. Yet for schools, the factual side of things cannot always adjust to individual needs. Organization and clarity goes a long way with establishing this rapport. 

There is a process to bonding and building rapport. Don't skip out on the small talk but also don't focus on it, build to mutual interests. "See the end before you begin", is also a great tip when working towards any goal but it's great to have in mind when working with students and prospective students. 

The more notes you have the more success. Organization is the key!! and find a system to keep up the prospectives information.

Communication process

Comment on Beatriz Almeida's post: Not only communication but bonding with the students is highly effective they know if you care or not. They are not another

Effective communication is critical to providing students the most productive and quality education. Students must feel as if they matter individually not just another student. Their learning should be customized to meet their needs.

Building rapport is key, as well as knowing your student and having follow-up.

Small talk IS necessary and a huge part of building rapport and trust. It is a skill to learn how to small talk in a relevant and impactful way with potential students. 

Prospective students really want someone to listen to them, hear what they are looking for and accommodate them in a way that doesn't take so much of their time. Trust is huge to prospects. Connections must be tailored depending on who you are talking to. 

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