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What I have learned and found interesting is concerning sole possession. Although it may involve information about the student, because it was private and not shared with the institution and faculty, or administration. I learned that students cannot demand immediate access to the records and would have to wait and go through the process, which is the instutuion having about 45 days to respond with the requests.


My main takeaway was concerning sole possesion. It is when they are private notes due to not being shared within the administration, insutution, or faculty.


FERPA is similar to HIPPA

We are planning to send a letter to current students annually in November, announcing their FERPA rights and giving them links to two specific online folders with individual content for each student that they can have access to in google drive. I am still working on the letter to go out. I am looking for websites with information for students to explore further if they want to know more about their rights.


Very Relevant information. 

it is more difficult to validate requests in an on-line environment


 FERPA is very important. Schools must strictly adhere to the guidelines set up by the Department of Education to protect the privacy of student educational records. I also learned to define what is an educational record to what is not, what triggers a record to be designated as an "Educational Record" and what is considered "Directory Information".

It is important to error on the side of caution.  With the online learning enviornment being present even more, education on FERPA is important.  

to protect students rights and always make sure to have written permission before giving out info


I learned that the government does not have a specific definition related to who can access student records and therefore it is important to know your own institution's policies as it relates to FERPA. Also, better to err on the side on caution when dealing with student records and communication to ensure requirements and protections are being met. 


My take away on FERPA is that its designed to protect the student’s rights regarding accessing their student files and the confidentiality of their personal information. Its important to keep their information safe and for me as a FA Advisor to proctect their records. 

As with healthcare and the HIPPA laws, it is important to ensure privacy is met in the educations setting. 


Student information should be treated as we treat patient information. Keep it private.


It protects the privacy o the students. Interesting enough that it applies to alumni files as well.

Maintaing student privacy is important so that we are not fined and do not violate their trust. 


I wish there as more reading content as it relates to how institutions are now modifying their verification process and caller identification or documents submission process, considering our growing digital world and how this pandemic has completed shifted our daily lives. Everything is digital, including how we store our passwords and private information. How have institutions changed their policies and procedures to still abide with FERPA while embracing some of the restrictions of this pandemic.

In this session , I learned about FERPA and the role it plays in managing student privacy as it pertains to their records. Although this organization does have limitations and exceptions, it is an important asset for students in order to keep their information confidential.

It is so important to protect the safety of our Students. FERPA is such a great way to keep schools in compliance.

I learned that a fine is not always given for a violation but there can be a 5 yr penalty placed.

Student information is confidential and there are laws protecting it. Being a faculty member does not automatically entitle one to student records-only if accessis needed for educational purposes. 


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